In Daddy's Arms

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"Why are you fucking speeding?!"

"Why the hell wouldn't I speed? My baby needs her baa-baa!"


While Katsuki and Mitsuki argued Masaru stayed quiet as he gripped the two seat belts strapped over his chest as he felt his body being pushed into the leather seats, the elder male secretly thought maybe he would have ridden with the trio of heroes that trailed closely behind with Shoto being the driver.

"T-Todoroki! You c-could slow down, I have the directions to the school!" Izuku tried to shout at the other as he sat in the passenger seat, one leg on the dashboard while he held the handle above the window on his side.

Shoto only stayed quiet as he held his steering wheel, the hero made sure to keep up with Mitsuki's speeding.

'If an old woman could speed so can I..'

Kirishima only smiled widely throwing his arms up in the air as he laughed happily "WHOO-HOO! YOUR HEROES IS ON THE WAY LIL BAKUGO!"

With the way both drivers were driving, the one hour drive was cut shorter than before, cars parked in front of the school Mitsuki and Katsuki were the first ones to get out of the car.

Mitsuki rolled up her sleeves as she walked beside Katsuki towards the closed gates with the others quickly following behind, "N-Now, Mitsuki remember we are not here to fight–"

"Oi! You no-good bastards! You have five seconds to open these gates up or you will feel Baa-Baa's fury bastards!" The ashy-blonde woman shouted her voice booming across the yard making the students look towards the gates.

"Oh my god... Is that a crazy old woman?" Sakura who worn a hat muttered, Ryko rolled her eyes "Ugh, old people don't have anything else better to do than collect dust and nag.." she spat out, walking towards the gate with the other she snarled at Mitsuki.

"Why don't you go back to the retirement home old bitch and die!"

Mitsuki's eyes narrowed at Ryko the woman grabbed the gates' bars then a wicked grin stretched across her face "Oh, I think I see my first idiot to beat up..."


Ryko and Sakura looked towards Katsuki who leaned against the gates his ruby irises looking towards the girls who at first glared at him until they slowly realized who he was, "Why do you have a shitty hat on?" He grunted out, Sakura gasped out in fear then grabbed Ryko "R-Ryko! Ryko! He's that demon's dad!"

"W-Why.." Ryko cleared her throat to hide her stuttering, "Why are you here? Beat it before we make you!"

Katsuki slowly gripped the gates the male held his usual scowl but it somehow seemed relaxed, "I guess you haven't heard... There is a loudmouth, prideful, disrespectful brat in that school of yours.. She doesn't know how the keep her mouth shut even calls me a Baka when she doesn't get her way."

The palm of his hands slowly glowed he then moved his gaze to the girls, "But that brat is my brat.. And I am going to break these damn gates–"

"Wait Kacchan! You can't just break private property!–"

"And I am going in there, Taking MY damn kid, and am going to squeeze the hell out of her and take her back with me and that old bitch can't do anything about it!" Before Izuku could even talk to the other, a loud explosion nearly made the two girls fly back.

The leaves of the trees falling as the other students looked away from the explosion that made the ground shook around the school, Once the dust cleared both Ryko and Sakura's eyes widened seeing the destroyed gate pieces fall to the ground.

𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now