"But those men out there will never understand," Maxine continued.

"I know," Rhaenyra admitted, wiping her eyes. "What do you think I should do?"

"You're asking me?"

"Well, your sister isn't around," Rhaenyra chuckled, thinking of Maekara and what she might be doing at that moment. "I usually turn to her for advice."

"Ah, yes, my sister," Maxine sighed. "Actually, that's why I came to talk to you. I just learned that she and Maegor are at Harrenhal, staying there with Daemon. She has also officially rallied the Greyjoys to fight for you."

Rhaenyra's stomach churned with a mix of relief and concern. She hadn't heard from Daemon or Maekara in over a week, and she was grateful to hear that the Queen had reached Harrenhal.

"I find it odd that they're there. That's not part of the plan," Maxine muttered quietly, catching Rhaenyra's attention.

"What do you mean?" Rhaenyra asked, but Maxine offered a tight smile, avoiding the question.

Maxine squeezed her hand firmly, "Don't worry anymore. They're all together, and they'll be back at Dragonstone soon."

"I hope so," Rhaenyra whispered, nodding slowly. "There are still so many things I need to discuss with Maekara."

"She will be back," Maxine assured her. "I promise."

Rhaenyra smiled at the Princess's words, her gaze fixed on the floor, her mind filled with a million thoughts.

"I'm still afraid to attempt taking King's Landing," Rhaenyra confessed. "I don't want to be branded a kinslayer if it comes to that."

"That won't happen," Maxine assured her. "You offered them a chance at forgiveness, and they refused. If you decide to take King's Landing, my siblings and I will stand by your side, ensuring you reclaim your throne. If things turn for the worst, I will deal with the traitors myself, and you will never be labeled a kinslayer."

"Thank you, Maxine," Rhaenyra said as they embraced warmly. Maxine's scent reminded her of Maekara, and Rhaenyra trembled, realizing just how much she missed her.

With Harrenhal now under the control of the Blacks and multiple rejections from all sides of Westeros, Aegon had grown frustrated.

But with Ser Criston being the new Hand of the King, Aegon decided that it was time to take action. Larys Strong had brought his King a list of lords that had attended Rhaenyra's coronation. Seeing as Aegon had no allies at sea, they decided that Lords Celtigar and Velaryon would not be suitable places to try and overthrow.

Criston turned his attention to Duskendale, a port town that had declared for Rhaenyra.

With a strong force of 100 knights, 500 royal household men-at-arms, and skilled sellswords, Ser Criston marched towards Rosby and Stokeworth. These lordships had abandoned the queen, and he wanted them to join King Aegon's forces.

Cole's army attacked the walled harbor town of Duskendale, catching the defenders off guard. They raided the town, set fire to the ships in the harbor, and beheaded Lord Darklyn. The knights and garrison were given a choice: swear loyalty to King Aegon or face the same fate as their lord. Most chose to swear loyalty.

After the Green's success in overthrowing these cities and making them swear fealty to the King, Ser Criston began to march to Rook's Rest.

But, Rook's Rest had been forewarned of Criston's army making its way to them. They secured the gates and resisted Criston's army. Lord Staunton had to witness the destruction of his fields, woods, and villages, with his livestock and common folk falling victim to the sword.

Queen of the Dragons  [rhaenyra targaryen x fem oc]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon