Running down the hallway, you quickly tried to jog after her to keep up with the energetic child. "Ren– Geez what is this kid on? Wait up will you?!"

Continuing to jog after her, nearly bumping into some students it wasn't until she leads you to a technology security elevator.

Stepping on her tippy toes, she pressed the buttons on the key alarm then stood, once the elevator opens she jumped inside with you stepping with her.

"Going up!" Ren pressed the button as the glass elevator began to move, you looked around as it moved until you felt a small tug on your sleeve making you gaze down seeing Ren smiling widely, "If you spin it makes it more fun!"

"Weeeeeeee!" The child giggled loudly as she spun in circles around the elevator, once the door open, the now sickly Ren stumble out holding her mind.

"I feel icky... No wonder why Mother never lets me do that...bleh!" Shaking her head, you stepped out of the elevator your eyes looking around the large lab. "What the heck is this place?"

"This is where I was made! This is Mommy's secret place and where I train! This tube right here is where I came from!" She points at a large body tube with a grin then opened the hatch, the girl climbed into it looking at you. "I could still fit! This was how I was sleeping before Mommy left me out!"

Mimicking her sleeping figure, she had her head tilt down with her arms hanging up, before jumping down giggling she began to walk around the large empty lab. "Mother had samples of your blood from a longgggg time ago, mixed it up with hers and something else then poof! I was made! Which makes us sisters!"

Ren explains, she ran back to your shocked figure, her smile began to slowly fade seeing your face of shock. "D-Do you not like it? Having a sister? I-I probably should tell Mother about you being upset–"

"N-No! No... It's just um..." Trying your best to come up with the best excuse, although you couldn't remember much now, you had a bad feeling if she was to know about you knowing this, it wouldn't go well...

You don't want to do anything at least until you find out more, as soon as you saw her, memories flooded back but it was vague...

"I just never had a sibling before, so I don't know what sisters do."

Ren's eyes lit up with hope once again, "That's it? Don't look sad because of that then! I never had a sister either but now we have each other!... Do you know what siblings do?"

Going quiet for a moment, you thought silently then shrugs your shoulders "Ayumi and Hatori always fight, Sora and Yua wrestles and I know Hirio plays video games with his brother." Ren tapped her chin with a hum, "Let's try them all! I want to experience everything a sibling does!"

"All in one day?"

"Wait, are you saying I could see you more than just today?!"

"I guess?"

"YAY!– (Y/n) I have a question! A sister question!" Ren says holding a finger up, you nod for her to continue. "I'm super duper happy to have a sister, Realllly happy!... Do sisters hug when they are happy? Do they always fight?" she asks innocently, you rolled your eyes gently by her innocence.
"Yes, They do hug– Woah!" Jumping when Ren hugged you tightly, she rubs her face into your stomach then looks up at you. "I like having a sister! Just wait until we hang out!"

"Heh... Yeah..." Patting her on top of her head with a small smile, she lets go of you then ran back to the elevator "Come on! Let's go do sister things! We could have a pillow fight first with the other students!" she announced opening the elevator then dragged you inside.

𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now