
"No the vanilla one is always better!" Jordan argued with me as we sat in the car talking about which Mexican flavor is better.

"No! The chocolate has a nice taste to it. It actually tastes like a chocolate candy. Vanilla taste....funny." I licked some of my ice cream.

"Your mentally crazy saying that."

"Yeah yeah, whatever big baby."

"I'm not a big baby! I was stuck okay, I freaked out." He annoyingly said.

"Yeah, sure." I grinned.

"I was! I thought I could fit but I was wrong."

"Weirdo." He truly was one for even thinking that.


"Today was fun. I needed it." I smiled to Jordan.

"Yes it was. The only bad part was the swing situation." He rolled his eyes. I giggled and shook my head.

"I don't know what you mean, that was the best part."

"Hahaha, so funny." He sarcastically stated, rolling his eyes. I laughed and he smiled.

"Thanks Jordan for today. I'll text you later." I gave him a side hug.

"Anytime." He hugged back. I got of the car, heading to the front door. I opened it and closed it as Jordan began to drive away now that I was inside. I sighed, feeling exhausted. I did need this, all my worries went away. I took off my shoes and flopped on the couch. Damn this feels comfy. Even though I wanted to drift to sleep, I need to text Tom to let him know I'm home. I picked up my phone, expecting a text from him first. Usually he texts me when he is done with the concert, but this time he didn't. Its 8:04 right now.


Tom ❤️‍🩹

Just made it home


how was the concert


whatever, goodnight


Now I'm getting pissed. Why is he acting like this? Is there something I don't know about? Did I do something? Maybe I could text Bill, maybe he knows what's wrong.


Billy willy🤭



Tom's acting weird lately
know anything about it?

i have to go tho
talk later

oh ok


Not only is Tom acting weird, but so was Bill. Did I actually do something? Maybe it's because I am hanging out with Jordan, but we hung out with Carolina the first time, why would it be such a big deal? I need to take my mind off this stupid drama, we will figure it out once they come home. I stood up, walking upstairs. I walked into my room, grabbing my computer and laying flat on my stomach. I haven't been on social media for a while, I know there's a lot I missed. Scrolling through articles, I never thought this would pop up.


New girl for Tom Kaulitz?

Tom Kaulitz was found with a new girl in Texas for their tour concert. They were seen at a club making out, and talking. Now we all wondered, what happened to y/n?


No way. It's not happening right? No, it is happening. The picture explains it all. There he was. Kissing her. Kissing the one person who no one liked, and all of a sudden he goes back to her. It's always going to be her, isn't it?


Hey babes! Juicy chapter isn't it? Who do you think it is? Did Tom do it on purpose? I don't know, guess you'll have to find out the next chapter. Also, big shout out to tomkau1itzismin3! She told me not to shout her out because she will feel bad, but people need to read her stories. They are actually good! She is also one of my best friends now on this app, so please, if you like my stories, then read hers as well!

Xoxo 😘

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