"What now?" I groaned. I wanted to leave. This was kind of awkward in a way. At least that's how I felt.

"Some rules. Text me every time you go somewhere new, don't ever leave an open drink when you go somewhere he isn't, be back here by 5, no physical touching, no kissing, no-"

I choked on air as he said those last two things. "Okay what!? Why do you even care? We are just friends."

"Because y/n! I care! Just follow the rules ok?" He placed his hands in his pocket.

"Okay, whatever." I rolled my eyes. I looked at Bill and smiled. I hugged him and the rest of the boys. I ignored Tom, walking out of the house. How come he could control my life now? Especially my love life, I mean it's not like I want to hook up with Jordan, but still. I got inside the car and gave Jordan a side hug. "Hi Jordan!"

"Hey y/n."

"So where are we going?"

"Well I say we could do some shopping but more like dares at the mall. You down?"

"Yes!" I grinned. This is going to be a fun day.


I didn't have a bad feeling about this, but I had that weird feeling where I just wanted her to stay and hang out with me. It keeps happening every time I see her. But I feel like she doesn't feel that feeling. I've fallen deep, and it gets deeper each day as I see her. I was jealous, and my mind wasn't thinking. So I literally gave her rules when going out with Jordan. I mentally rolled my eyes saying his name. Why him? Why not hang out with me? I'm just hoping she doesn't fall for him. I hope she has fun, but I need her to be safe.


"Ok! I dare you to go up to someone and say "big summer blow out" in a British accent." Jordan grinned. I scoffed and accepted the challenge. I walked up to some random girl who had a boy and girl on her side.

"Big summer blow out!" I stated in a British accent. I waved my hand up and walked away, holding in my laugh as I saw Jordan laughing his ass off. As I approached him, I began laughing too.

"The girls face...oh my god." Jordan barely got out. I pushed him slightly and sighed.

"What time is it?" I asked, letting out a deep breath. Jordan checked the time.

"It's 4:07. We've been here for 4 hours."

"I am kind of hungry."

"Well we could go eat at this good burger place." Jordan suggested.

"Yes please." I smiled.

"Okay let's go."


"I literally don't get it! I've never seen you around school. Nor did I know you were in my class!" I exclaimed. Jordan had told me he has always noticed me. Even him being in my class, I never noticed him.

"I'm not kidding. I sat two seats behind you." He shoved some fries in his mouth .

"Wow. I mean I couldn't really notice you with all the bullshit that was happening to me either way."

"Yeah, I noticed that with Tom."

"Yeah but, he's been nicer and we are actually friends. Anyways..." I didn't want to talk about Tom, nor any situation about my past. It's past, it's meant to be left behind.


"Thanks again Jordan. Today was really fun." We arrived at the house. It was past 5, it was currently 6:37.

"Yeah no problem. It was pretty fun. We should hang out again after graduation." He suggested.

"Oh maybe. But I might have plans after graduation, maybe the next day after it?"

"Yeah, whenever you're free." He shrugged. I smiled and gave him a hug. I pulled away and got out of the car.

"Thanks again!"

"No problem." Jordan smiled. I closed the door and walked into the house. Jordan started his car and drove off as I entered the house. I closed the door and sighed, taking my shoes off.

"It's past 5 y/n." I jumped and turned around to see Tom and the boys standing in front of me.

"Fuck guys! You scared me." I sighed.

"Y/n, it's past 5." Tom repeated.

"So? It's 6:45. Only an hour and forty five minutes late. At least I made it back."

"That's not the point y/n! You didn't come back. Plus, you didn't text me at all! We were all worried!" Tom stepped forward. I felt myself panicking, getting a small flash back from how he used to do this in the hallways. I felt my breathing get heavy. Was he going to hit me? I looked at Bill who noticed my panic.

"Tom stop, you're scaring her." Bill pulled Tom back lightly. Tom looked back at me and realized the fear. His face softened.

"Oh my, no y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He pulled me into a hug. I felt a little relaxed, and slowly hugged him back. "I would never do that again. I was just worried that's all ok?" He pulled away from me, placing his hands on my cheek. I nodded and looked down. I pushed myself away, and walked to my room. I felt sick. I just needed to sleep.


"Tom you have to cool down when it comes to y/n." Georg turned back to me.

"I know. I was just worried. Sorry." I sighed. I was completely freaking out, silently. But I think Bill noticed.

"Worried? You have been becoming so weird lately when it comes to y/n." Gustav added. I glared at him and he looked away. Was it that noticeable?

"Whatever, I'm going to go lay down." I stood up. I have to apologize properly soon.


Hey pookies! So another one of my readers birthdays is today. Say happy birthday to imdelulu759. Happy birthday babes! I am going to be spamming tomorrow for you just because today was a bit busy but I still wanted to post for you. Also for Raegan847, I am going to spam double for you tomorrow because I didn't spam a lot for you. I was really exhausted from school and things that I barely posted for you. So I am posting double either tomorrow or Saturday. But please wish these people a happy birthday!

Xoxo 😘

My Bully ~ Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now