"Oh, you guys were talking about the concert so I just wanted to relax a little and listen to music. Plus I am a bit tired from the fun last night." I laughed a little. Tom chucked and smiled.

"Yeah last night was pretty fun, and hilarious."

"Yeah Gustav's dancing skills were the best." I laughed. I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

"You could sleep on my shoulder if you want. I'll keep you company." He smiled. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Yeah, thanks Tom." I placed my head down his shoulder, relaxing myself.

"No problem....princess." He mumbled the last part, thinking I didn't hear. Yeah I am definitely catching feelings for him. I can't help it, it's just the comfort and things he says or does.


I can't believe she is coming to a concert with us. It'll be her first time seeing us, and it makes me 10x more nervous. I don't know why, well I do know why but usually  is never because of this reason. As she laid her head on my shoulder, her beauty made me hypnotized. I analyzed everything about her. Her hair, her noise, her lashes, her eyes, her lips, everything. She is just perfect.


Watching from afar, they seemed happy. I kind of cared, just because that used to be me and y/n. I don't care if they date, I'm just worried. Tom is....Tom. But if it's what makes them happy, it'll be all good.


"Y/n? Princess it's time to wake up." I felt Tom shaking me. I fluttered my eyes open and rubbed them. I sat more up and looked around. Wait, did he just call me princess again?I looked at Tom who was smiling at me. "Did you sleep ok?"

"Uh yeah I did." I smiled and stretched. A small moan came out from the good stretching. I looked at Tom who was smirking. I playfully hit him and he laughed.

"We will be getting off right now. We have to sign while we enter but don't worry, I'll be right next to you to make sure nothing happens." He flashed his smile at me.

"Okay guys, come on!" John yelled. I picked up my bag and we walked off. Tom grabbed my hand, interlocking his fingers and smiling at me. I felt myself turn red and looked down. He started signing posters.

"Can you sign my cleavage please!?" A fan yelled at Tom.

"Uh do you have somewhere else?" Tom question. I looked at Tom who was waiting for a response. I shook his hand, making him look at me.

"Why are you asking that? Don't you always do that?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really want to do that anymore. Kind of not wanting to do it for someone." He smirked and winked. He walked away from the girl and continued signing. All I could feel was myself turning red. Gosh this guy just knows how to make me look like a tomato.


"THANK YOU SO MUCH FRANKFURT" Bill yelled into the microphone. The crowd went wild. Before they got off stage, Tom looked at me in the crowd and smiled, giving a small wink. I had been in the crowd for the time of the concert. I felt myself turn red again and the people next to me went wild. If only they knew.


"LET ME PAY YOU TURD!" I yelled, pushing Tom to the side from the cashier.

"NO ITS A MAN'S JOB TO PAY!" Bill grabbed my waist pulling me back.

"WELL LET ME PAY HALF!" I pushed myself forward. Tom grabbed the money out of my hand and gave the cashier his money. The cashier was laughing from our behavior. I grabbed and pushed Tom. "Tom! Why would-"

"Y/n! Please don't even start you know why." Tom laughed. He gave me back my money and we walked out. I crossed my arms and sat in the back again as the boys laughed at my reaction. "You can't be mad for ever." Tom sat next to me, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah I can. None of you let me pay my half. You know how bad I feel right now?" I slapped his hand away. He chuckled.

"Looks like it's time for you to sleep. We have beds in the back if you want to lay down." I looked at him and a smile formed.

"No, your shoulder is ok." I said, placing my head on his shoulder. I felt him relax and he placed his hand on my thigh. I smiled as I drifted to sleep. Maybe this will end well.


Hey pookies! I hope you guys are starting to love this more. Juicy right....and a little love with Tom and y/n.

Xoxo 😘

My Bully ~ Tom KaulitzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon