It was Lord Caswell.

Caswell was a kind man. The man was heavily devoted to Princess Rhaenyra. Matthew bit his hand, holding back tears, as his breath began to pick up. As he held his chest, a thought clicked in his head.

Caswell was loyal to Rhaenyra. The King has probably passed. And waiting for Queen Alicent's word? He tried to connect the dots but was shoved against the wall again, and it was Ser Erryk.

Matthew rolled his eyes, "What is it with you and your violence towards me?"

"Why are you here?" Ser Erryk spat at him, "You should not be here!"

"Why what is happening, Ser? Why has Lord Caswell been hanged for everyone to see? Is the King dead?" Matthew asked so many questions that the knight simply shushed him.

"The King is dead. The Queen has planned to install Aegon as King," Erryk explained, "You really should not be here, my Prince!"

"But Princess Rhaenyra is heir!" Matthew argued.

"Exactly, my Prince," Erryk put a hand on his arm, "Which is why we need to get out of here. But there is someone we need to retrieve first." Matthew also observes the cloak that the knight has in his arms and his brows knit together.

"Is somebody being held against their will or something?" Matthew asked as Erryk began to drag him across the halls and up some stairs.

"Something like that," Erryk told him as they made it to a door. It was being blocked by some people and Erryk screams at them.

"Out of the way!" Erryk shouts and they quickly shuffled out of his way. The knight unlocked it and there was Princess Rhaenys, sitting on the bed, looking stoic.

She turns to the door where Ser Erryk, burst in, handing her the cloak.

"With me, Princess," Erryk advises, "I cannot let this treachery stand." She gets on her feet and looks past him to Matthew.

"Prince Matthew? What are you doing here?" Rhaenys asks as she puts the cloak on, flipping the hood to conceal her hair.

"I came to spy on the Greens," Matthew explains, "Only to find that they are all a bunch of fucking traitors."

Rhaenys's face drops, "Does your poor mother know you are here?"

"No," Matthew said, "But there are more grave matters at hand we must deal with, Princess."

"Right," She muttered as she put a hand on his shoulder. "You will stay close to me and Ser Erryk at all times. Please lead the way, Ser."

They all begin to carefully weave their way through the castle, passing the body of Lord Caswell. Matthew looked away as Princess Rhaenys looked up at it, her concern now visible on her face. The Prince follows close behind as Erryk led them through more twisted pathways eventually leading them to the chamber where Balerion's colossal skull was on display.

Matthew looked up in awe at the skull, never having seen it before. Rhaenys also shifts her gaze to it, an artifact that her cousin, Viserys, would always spend his time looking at.

They hurry after the knight, who leads them to a balcony with stairs that went down to the city.

Rhaenys looks down, "Where are we?"

"Just south of King's Way," Erryk answered, he reached for her arm, "The Blackwater's this way." Realizing that he could no longer go back the way he came from, Matthew sighed. As they hurry down the steps, Erryk is rushing them, "Come on, my Prince. Princess!"

Erryk managed to guide them down to the buildings in the city, through a narrow alleyway. Matthew kept looking back to see if anyone had been following them. Rhaenys is wrapped tightly in her cloak, "I won't leave Meleys." She tells the knight, who keeps staring forward, "If I could get to the Dragonpit, then—"

Queen of the Dragons  [rhaenyra targaryen x fem oc]Where stories live. Discover now