💕 My Mafia Bodyguard ( part 13 ) 💕

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Anirudh's pov:

I entered inside my room and locked the door before looking around my room.

Is this my room?

My whole room was decorated with candles and rose petals.

My eyes tried to find the one whom I was craving to look at after a whole week of separation.

I opened a few buttons of my kurta before moving towards the balcony.

And there she is... Staring at the sky.

"What are you thinking?" I asked hugging her from back

"In these few years our lives have changed a lot right?" She asked while I nodded

"Indeed" I replied

"I still can't forget that incident in our life. I almost gave up and thought I won't be able to see you again and look in the end I am standing here with you."

She said softly as I turned around and cupped her face

"Don't think about that incident... It was a nightmare for everyone... Especially for me. I thought I almost lost you, you don't know how I survived in this battle, where my love was fighting with death and I couldn't do anything to save her."

I told her caressing her cheeks

"You did everything you could anirudh, don't blame yourself for something you are not at fault."

She held my hand and tried to console me

"But still I failed to protect you. Only if I was a little careful about it, everything would have been so different."

I said

"You can't change the past but you can change you future by making your present better. Moreover from now on it's about our future... Our present.

I loved you then and I will love you forever... Mr Anirudh Roy Chowdhury"

She confessed with a beautiful smile adoring her face.

"I love you too... Mrs. Bondita Anirudh Roy Chowdhury"

I confessed back and hugged her.

Even after purifying her blood her life was in danger. I brought all the famous expert doctors from every different part of world.

After almost 3 months, they got a antidote which can help her clear up all the blood clots that was formed in her body because of the poison.

Every month she was given a dose of antidote and it almost took 1 year to clear the blood clots.

She was out of danger but still she was really weak to even move. She was on complete bed rest while all of us used to help with everything.

After almost 6 months of medication and psychotherapy, she finally started to live like she used to.

Although that incident left a pact on her but with our support everything was going perfect.

As for Suman, he died in a worst way, without any food, water, sunlight... Just like he tortured my bondita.

I made sure he begs for death and he did but we obviously didn't gave him that. But after 1 year of torture he finally died.

And just after his death, I decided to make my relation with bondita official. We told our parents and they were happy, obviously they will be.

And after a few months our marriage date was final and here I am married to the one I loved from my teenage days.

After whatever happened in between, I understood one thing.

That we can fight with the whole world together but we can't fight with each other for the world.


fell in love with the one I was supposed to protect.

What a superb story it is! Gonna tell our kids and their kids about how a mafia king who was a bodyguard of a heiress, fell for her.

How he became her mafia bodyguard....

The End



I am going to camp for 2 days, so the next update will be on Tuesday.


Don't forget to vote and comment


Till then bye bye

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