💕 My Mafia Bodyguard ( part 6 ) 💕

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Bondita looked at her thakuma and both brothers confusingly as she was sitting in bed. They were oldly quite since she arrived.

Usually they would start asking her lots of questions but today they were behaving differently. As if they wanted to say something but couldn't.

"What do you want to say?" she directly asked looking at them suspiciously

"Bondita you trust us right?" thakuma asked while she looked at her weirdly

"Of course I do thakuma, is it even a question to ask?" she replied while they sighs in relief

"Is there some problem?" she asked tensly

"There is, we thought that everything was cleared out but... we were wrong. There is someone out there who wants to harm you bondita again"

Rudra elder twin informed

"You all are not again planning to send me away" she asked looking at them

"Although this time the problem is quite big then before but we are definitely not sending you away. Instead we made some other arrangements about it"

Ansh younger twin informed further

"What arrangement?" she asked

"It's a fake arrangement and it will be valid till everything is cleared out" Rudra replied while she looked at him confusingly

Thakuma sighed and sat beside her before holding her hand

"Bondita we made a contract with someone and according to the contract you have to get engaged to the elder son of Roy Chowdhary and he is also the next mafia king.

It will be fake, everything is just to show your enemies that you are the next mafia queen and hurting you means asking for a war with the mafia king which obviously no one wants.

This arrangement will not only protect you but also it will give us time to find out the person who wants to hurt you and the Roy Chowdhary would help us in it."

Thakuma explained while bondita was too shocked to respond

"Bondita whatever we are doing is for your well being only, we already lost our parents now we don't want to lose you. Please don't hate us" Rudra said caressing her head

She looked at her brothers and than at her thakuma.

They did so many things for her, from childhood they never let her feel that she don't have parents. And now they wants her to agree to this arrangement, how can she deny? moreover its fake and will end soon right?

She looked at them and nodded while they took a breath in relief

"That's good, tomorrow they are going to arrive for dinner and also we will sign the contract tomorrow itself" thakuma declared while everyone nodded

They wished good night to her and left

She layed on her bed and looked at her ring, caressing it.

"I miss you" she thought before lightly kissing it.


Next day,

Everyone was running here and there while bondita was looking at them boringly.

She was awfully bored and she can't even do anything because of her foot. Although she can walk but still they didn't let her move a lot and kept her sitting while there was someone or other always massaging her foot once in a while.

"I AM BORED!!!" she yelled gaining everyone's attention

They looked at her for a few minutes before again getting busy with their work while she gritted her teeth in irritation.

𝒜𝒩ℐ𝒟ℐ𝒯𝒜 : ℬ𝒰ℛ𝒩ℐ𝒩𝒢 ℒ𝒪𝒱ℰ🔞 ( OS/ TS/ SS ) Completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now