💕 𝓜𝔂 𝓸𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 ( 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 7 ) 💕

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Anirudh's pov:

After at least 5-6 rounds I finally pulled out of her and laid beside her while she was tried as hell, I can say that just by looking at her face.

Next morning,

I woke up first in morning and looked at bondita who was sleeping peacefully in my arms, I wish she always stays in my arm like this only.

I kissed her forehead before going inside the bathroom and took a shower.

We need cloths to change so I had no other option but to go downstairs wearing my white shirt and trouser.

As I went downstairs the newly wedded couple gave me a teasing smile while I smiled awkwardly.

It's really embarrassing when you have sex in a person's house who invited you in their house for function but looks like they don't have any problem with it.

"So Dr Anirudh how was your night?" the groom asked teasingly

This question... shouldn't I ask both of them?

I gave them a forced smile

"I am sorry for that but you know we need clothes so..." I asked awkwardly

"Nothing to be sorry about, we have no problem with all this and as for clothes I will inform the servant to keep them in the room" the bride replied while I thanked them

"Btw who was the lucky girl haan?" he asked

Why is he so interested in my and bondita's personal life?

I was about to reply when out of nowhere two hand held my arm while I looked at the person shockingly as the person who held my hand wasn't my bondita.

It was the lady from last night

"Why did you leave me alone?" she said clinging into me

What the hell was she about?

"Ohh so this is the lucky girl" he said and I couldn't help but glare him

I tried to remove my hand but she held my hand more tightly.

Dear you are doing a big mistake by holding my hand, hope that my bondita don't see all this otherwise you are dead for sure.

But looks like this girl had a really bad luck as she stares towards the stairs and slowly left my arm.

I looked towards the stairs and found bondita cutting apple with a sharp knife while glaring her. She ate a slice of apple from the knife while descending down from the stair.

She was wearing a bathrobe and it wasn't long enough to cover her smooth legs. I just wanted to take her on the spot but for now I need to handle this intense situation.

"What are you doing bondita?" The bride asked confusingly

"Having apples, do you want some?" she replied looking at the lady


"You know you shouldn't claim which is not yours and never meant to be yours" she said giving death glares to her

"I... I should leave now" she said before leaving

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She asked me

"I didn't want to disturb your sleep, you looked quite tired" I replied caressing her cheeks while they looked at us confusingly


"So what's going on?" Sweety ( bride ) asked as we sat in dinning table for breakfast

"What do you mean by that?" Bondita asked confusingly

"I mean it was just a one night stand right?" She asked

"Nope... It's not" bondita replied casually

"Bondita if it's not a one night stand then what about your husban"d she asked shockingly

They probably didn't know that I am her husband... Too bad

"I ditched him" she replied while I choked up and looked at her shockingly

"And what about you" she asked me

"My wife... Too ditched me" I replied looking at bondita who was busy eating

"But bondita don't you have a daughter too?" Nick ( groom ) asked

"Yup and she has no problem with us" she replied knowing that what they are going to ask

"Fine if everything is good between you too, why don't you marry each other?" Sweety suggested

Finally she said something useful

"I have no problem with it" I replied immediately

"But I have" bondita said making me frown

"I want to test you more" she said while I pouted

"Fine your clothes are in your room" she said while we left

As soon as we entered inside the room I pinned her in wall.

"You ditched me?" I asked

"Yes... If not me then will you ditch me? I dare you to" she said darkly

"And what if I did?" I asked intentionally

She pulled me close by my collar and leaned towards my ear

"Don't you know baby? I will kill that stupid woman for taking my man from me" she wishpered darkly

"Exactly and if you dare to go away from me then I will also not leave that man easily and will surely punish you so hard that you will need a wheelchair" I darkly uttered into her ears

"Too bad... Coz we both are ditching each other so... What should we do now?" She asked while I smirk

"Let's save the water and bath together" I wishpered before dragging her inside the bathroom.



Hot chapter on way


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Till then bye bye

𝒜𝒩ℐ𝒟ℐ𝒯𝒜 : ℬ𝒰ℛ𝒩ℐ𝒩𝒢 ℒ𝒪𝒱ℰ🔞 ( OS/ TS/ SS ) Completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now