💕 𝓣𝓾 𝓗𝓲 𝓗𝓪𝓺𝓮𝓮𝓺𝓪𝓽 ( 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 2 ) 💕

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In Anirudh's apartment,

"Here..." Anirudh passed the glass of drink to saurabh

"Thanks bro" he said taking the glass while Anirudh sat beside him with his own glass of drink

"I heard your assistant saying about some lady wants to case on her husband for sexual assault and abuse" saurabh asked looking at the tv

"Yes but I declined it" he replied while swaying the glass in his hand

"Why? if she wants you to fight her case then what's the problem in that? saurabh asked confusingly

"Problem is there because the woman who does it is none other than bondita" he replied blankly looking at the glass

"Bondita... you mean your ex, who betrayed you?" saurabh asked while he nodded

"So you rejected her case because of what she did in past? that's ridiculous Anirudh! you know that in law each and every human being is equal to us.

You can't just refuse to help them just because of some shitty past."

Saurabh practically yelled at him

"I don't trust her saurabh, she fucking broke my trust. How can I believe that whatever shit she was saying is true and not fake?"

He asked glaring at him

"Anirudh no women would like to stain their own character. Moreover what will be her gain in it? Infact she will be the one who will suffer more.

If she really wins the case, do you think the society will let her live peacefully? They will do everything to degrade her in every possible way.

You know it! You yourself saw it and I know the outcome of such things. In the end it will be her loss only, now you answer me what's her gain in it?"

Saurabh questioned him which actually forced him to think about it.

$Well I will be out of town for a few days, think about this matter before making your decision" saurabh said before leaving

"It's true no women would do something like that, does that mean she was saying truth? Was she really sexually assaulted?"

The mere thought of her suffering from all these made his heart clutch in fear.


It's already been one week and there was no reply from Anirudh's side

Bondita was eagerly waiting for his reply but there was no response from his side.

Today she decided to again visit his office.

As she was almost ready to leave, she heard the door bell.

She gulped in fear and went towards the door. She looked into the door hole to see who was outside.

And as soon as she did, she gasped and moved back trembling.

His scary face came in view.

He was here... Again

Fear crept inside her body as he started banging on the door after not getting any reply from inside.


He yelled while bondita ran away from there to her room as the door started to crack.

She knew she can't hide from him but she also knew that she can't tolerate any of his abuse more.

She was exhausted both mentally and physically.

She was shaking so much that she didn't even know when he entered inside the house.

𝒜𝒩ℐ𝒟ℐ𝒯𝒜 : ℬ𝒰ℛ𝒩ℐ𝒩𝒢 ℒ𝒪𝒱ℰ🔞 ( OS/ TS/ SS ) Completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now