💕 My Mafia Bodyguard ( part 7 ) 💕

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Today was their engagement day,

The news and social media was on fire in these two days.

They were getting both negative and positive response from everyone. Few were happy with the announcement while few were not.

You can say they were jealous of the arrangement.

Everyone knew that both the families are powerful and an alliance between them will make it more powerful and obviously some won't want that.


The hall was decorated beautifully with flowers because our bondita loved flowers a lot. Guest already started arriving while paparazzi were outside the hall, taking photos and interview of each and every guest.

There were famous models, some actors, business partners and politicial present in the party so the place was secured with lots of guards and security, there were some from the mafia too.

Soon a big black car arrived in the venue and the paparazzi were in fire, bodyguards were handling them while one of them opened the car door.

And there was the soon to be groom Mr Anirudh Roy Chowdhary, looking like some greek god with that lavender color tuxedo.

He forwarded his hand and another soft hand held them.

There was the soon to be bride Miss Bondita Das, looking hot and sexy both with the white color designer saree that had a slit from her right leg, above her knee.

That dress was specially made for her with her suggestion.

The paparazzi started showering them with weird questions while they ignored them and stood at a place where the photos are going to be clicked before a small interview.

"Congratulations on the engagement" the paparazzi said while they thanked them

"Is it a arrange marriage?" one of the paparazzi asked

"No its not, We knew each other from childhood and kind of had feelings too. At that time he used to stay in Mumbai and I was a transferred student in his class.

But unfortunately I had to come back to Kolkata and then we lost our connection. But seems like we were destined to meet again"

She said looking at him and smiled

"When are you both planning to get married?" another one asked

"It's on him, when he will propose me" she replied while he chuckled

"Well we don't plan on getting married soon, as she already said we lost our connection and right now all we want to do is spend as much as we can and cherish our moments before tying the knot for forever"

Anirudh replied

They were about to ask more questions when thakuma interrupted

"Thank you very much for arriving in the party, please do enjoy it and excuse us"

She said before going inside the venue with them

Everyone looked at them clapped as the entered the venue. Everyone congratulated them and gave them some gifts and clicked photos.

They both met some important guest before sitting on the chairs.

"You both did great work outside, no one could say that you both were acting" binoy said smiling

"Exactly! for a second even we thought that you both are really in love"

Thakuma exclaimed and laughed while bondita forced a smile at them and looked at him who was looking least bothered

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