💕 My Mafia Bodyguard ( part 8 ) 💕

978 103 64

Next morning,

Bondita opened her eyes and sat on bed holding her head.

"What happened last night?" she thought and tried to recall everything

But she could remember was, him ignoring her and her getting jealous and getting drunk.

"I hope I didn't do anything stupid" she murmured and looked around her only to notice that she is not in her room

"Where am I?" she thought

She also noticed that she was wearing someone's shirt without any bra.

"Fuck! did I just slept with someone else? How can I do it?" she thought and her eyes filled with tears

But her thoughts were broken when the door opened and Anirudh came into her view.

He had a glass of water and some hangover medicine in his hand. She looked at him confusingly while he raised his eyebrow wondering why she is crying?

"Fuck! is she misunderstanding the situation?" he thought



They both said together and looked at each other while Anirudh gestured her to say first.

"Where am I?" she asked

"You are right in my house, you were drunk last night and I didnt wanted your or my family to see you in that condition, so I brought you here"

He replied while she took a breath in relief

"Thank god... I nothing happened... nothing happened" she thought

"And... I didnt changed your clothes, the maid did" he informed while she nodded

"I wouldn't have mind though" she murmured while he snapped his head towards her with wide eyes

That's when his eyes went towards her hard nipples which was quite visible in that thin shirt.

He gulped and his cheeks turned red, he cleared his throat and looked away.

"Take the medicine and get fresh, all your clothes and things have been moved in this room, from now on you will live here" he informed before leaving hurriedly

While bondita looked at his disappearing figure confusing, not knowing that he heard what she said.

She took the medicine and went inside the bathroom.

After taking a long warm shower, she changed into a oversized t shirt with shorts and went downstairs.

She looked around the house and admired it a lot but it still needed some decorations.

She directly went towards the dining table and already saw him there with batuk and one more unknown man. They both were in formals.

"Good morning boudi, hope you slept well" batuk said while she blushed when called her boudi

"Good morning" she replied and was about to seat beside boudi when the other man said

"Boudi you are supposed to seat beside dada, not that gadha"

She looked at him confusingly

"Oh sorry I forget to introduce myself. Myself Somnath Roy Chowdhary second son of Binoy Roy Chowdhary" he said sensing her confusion

"Oh myself bondita das"she replied

"I know boudi, I know a lot about you" he said smugly looking at Anirudh who was unbothered

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