💕 My Mafia Bodyguard ( part 9 ) 💕

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They both left the club after that incident and sat in car.

The atmosphere in the car was quite heated and they both were longing for each other but one was shy and the other was controlling himself.

Bondita was stealing gazes from him while biting her lip. She knew that she broke the wall he created but somewhere she was unsure too.

Everything was unusually quite as bondita looked outside the window, she felt something strange as they were passing through a forest.


A scream left from her mouth as they heard a gunshot from behind their car and noticed another car was following them.

"Fucking hell!" he cursed and called saurabh through his Bluetooth and ordered him to sent their. Not to fight but to clean the dead bodies of others.

He looked at bondita who was scared and speed up the car before taking a sudden big u turn.

"Stay here" he ordered as he unbuckled his seatbelt

She held his hand as he was about to go out of the car.

"Don't worry I won't let them touch a single hair of yours" he assured

"I don't care about myself! don't get hurt... please" she wishpered with tearful eyes while he nodded

As soon as he left, she heard the sounds of gunshot and scream. She closed her eyes and ears, praying that those screams are not of her Anirudh's.

After few minutes the sound of gunshot stopped but she still kept her eyes closed.

Suddenly she felt a hand over her shoulder and she jumped in fear and opened her eyes, only to find Anirudh.

His shirt was filled with blood making her tense that if he is alright.

"Let's go" he said before starting the engine

It didn't take much time for them to reach home.

Bondita was walking ahead while lost in her thoughts but suddenly she gasped as someone turned her around and pinned in wall.

She looked at him shocking as looked at her with intensity.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes as he sensually moved his hand from her waist to her shoulder and her neck before pulling her face towards his.

"Why do you always push my wrong button?" he wishpered almost touching her lip

She gulped and opened her eyes

"Why are you so stubborn?" he asked looking at her

"I was born stubborn" she replied sassily

"Do you know how much I want to fuck that stubbornness out of you?" he wishpered while she gulped

"We shouldn't do this bondita, it is dangerous, I am dangerous" he said caressing her cheek

"When I got to know about your real identity and still decided to mend you. I already knew what I was getting myself into and I don't regret it, because I know you will always protect me.

I don't wanna become your weakness, I want to be your strength. I wanna stay in your worst day to your good days, I wanna spend my whole life with you"

She replied looking at his eyes

Bondita frowned as she felt something liquid in her finger. She looked at her hand which was over his shoulder and her eyes widened in shock as she saw blood.

"You are bleeding!" she exclaimed

"I know, the bullet just touched my shoulder" he casually informed

𝒜𝒩ℐ𝒟ℐ𝒯𝒜 : ℬ𝒰ℛ𝒩ℐ𝒩𝒢 ℒ𝒪𝒱ℰ🔞 ( OS/ TS/ SS ) Completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now