💕 𝓟𝓪𝓪𝓼 𝓱𝓸𝓴𝓮 𝓫𝓱𝓲 𝓽𝓱𝓲 𝓭𝓾𝓻𝓲 ( 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 3 ) 💕

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Bon urf rajya's pov:

I tried my best to ignore him whenever he tried to talk with me but this time I failed. I had no other option then going with him, I hope nothing bad happens he should not get to know about my true identity.

We were roaming in car when he suddenly stopped the car in a edge of mountain. I looked around confusingly and then at him.

"Why did you stop the car here?" I asked feeling scared of getting exposed

"Nothing I just wanted to get some fresh air" he said and went out of the car while I too came out of the car

"You know my bondita loved nature...she loved fresh air...trees...flowers and her most favourite thing was the first rain.

We promised each other to get drenched in the first rain of the season together but after she went to London for studies I never enjoyed rain nor after she died"

He said looking at me making me curious

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity

"Because she was the one who gave me the reason of drenching in rain....she taught me how to love rain but when she herself is not with me then what's the use of enjoying the rain" he replied

"But wasn't it you who broke her heart and even tried to make her marry her own jamai babu?" I asked unknowingly

While he looked at me suspiciously

"How do you know about it?" He asked me suspiciously

I gulped

"B...Bhai Sa told me" I replied nervously playing with my fingers

"Why you are still unmarried after her dead" I asked curiously

He should have moved on right then why he didn't?

"Because for me I have only one wife and that is my bondita...my heart nor my family will accept anyone else as the bahu of my house nor as my wife except my bondita.

For me she was...she is and she always be my wife...my life and my everything. I love her...I love her very much"

He confessed making me angry for lying

"NO YOU DON'T...." I yelled while suddenly it started raining

"you don't love her so stop saying you love her. If you really loved her for a moment also you would have never let her get humiliated in front of everyone...you would have never let her suffer like that.

The girl who loved colours was forced to become colourless...the girl who loved to eat...who can't even tolerate her hunger was forced to starve...the girl who's voice was her power was force to be mute forever.

What she wanted from you haan? What she wanted? She just wanted you to confess your love in front of everyone and tell them that she is not a spy but what you did you stayed quiet and let her suffer WHY?

You know what barrister Babu....committing crime is wrong but supporting the crime by staying quite is also equally wrong."

I yelled unknown about the fact that I myself told him everything while we were drenching in rain

When I realised what blunder I created I thought of changing the topic but alas it was too late for that as he came towards me running and took me into a bond crushing hug.

I couldn't understand what to do...should I hug him back or push him away?

He broke the hug and cupped my face

"Bondita... I knew it...I knew it that it was you, my heart can never be wrong in recognising my bondita...can never be..." He said before again hugging me

I stood there like a statue while he kept crying hugging me.

"Bondita why did you fake your death? Why you left that day? Why bondita why? You know how heart broken all of us were after knowing about your death news? Sumati ma...she went into trauma because of all this and you...you were living here forgetting about everything...how can you be so selfish bondita"

He asked me angrily before breaking the hug, making me more angry

"Enough...I am quite that doesn't mean you can say whatever you want barrister Babu. Yes...yes I am bondita...that bondita whom you consider as a enemy...a spy right. She never asked you anything except love but you...you never gave her anything except pain. From childhood till now others used to do bad things but the one who used to get punishment was me. I was the one who always got punishment for the thing I never did...WHY?

You did everything for me but you know what everyone everytime used to see your pain...your suffering but what about me? No one ever thought about my pain...my suffering...even you didn't...You didn't thought about my pain once before marrying manorma ji

Why? Why always I should jump in fire? Why I should always think about everyone? Why can't I think about myself and live my life the way I want? Why can't I? If you start thinking about your life forgetting about everyone then it's good but if I did the same thing then I am being selfish...WHY?"

I yelled making him shock

He looked at me with guilty eyes, he came towards me to say something but I stopped him by showing him my hand

"Stop...if you again what to say sorry then no need for that because your sorry is just like you unreliable" I said

"I...I am unreliable" he asked shockingly

"Yes you are because you never cared about other's feelings. Pari didi loved you so much but you broke your promise and married me then you again promised me to stay with me but you again broke the promise and left me between the cruel society.

You were the one who taught me that second marriage is wrong but you were the one who married manorma ji in front of me.

You were the one who promised me to support me...to stay beside me forever...to protect me...to trust me but you are the one who broke all his promise for his so called enemity."

I yelled

I know he is guilty very very much guilty but he need to understand about his mistakes too.

He fell in his knees and cried out

"I am sorry...I am really sorry...I know that sorry is a very small word in front of my mistakes but believe me bondita I love you...I really love you from my deep core of heart.

I know I did wrong with suadamini but she tried to harm you...she killed suarabh too. I never wanted to leave you alone in between the cruel society but I got blinded in front of suadamini's tricks.

Nor I ever wanted to do second marriage but I wanted to bring you in right path and I thought that it might be the only way to do it but I never thought that because of all this you had to face so many things.

I never wanted to break my promises but the enemity forced me to do. I tried to make everything correct but it was too late and...and I didn't knew about your marriage with Chandrachoor.

I was searching for you when I found kaka and Chandrachoor sitting in mandap all decked up in groom's attire. I would never let you do bahu vivah...I would never nor I knew about the last ritual of snatching your voice. If I knew about it beforehand then I would have definitely not let that happen."

He said while crying

I looked at him shockingly, was he speaking the truth? He knew nothing about it or did I really misunderstood him?



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Till then bye bye

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