💕 My Mafia Bodyguard ( part 12 ) 💕

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"We got her location" batuk yelled while everyone went towards him

"According to her current location, she is in some Krishna nagar place" batuk added

"Krishna nagar? Thakuma isn't it the place where we used to live first?" ansh asked confusingly

"He is back... He is back to destroy everything" thakuma wishpered fearfully

"Who is back?" Anirudh asked suspiciously

"Suman Das... my younger son" she replied

"Baba? What are you saying thakuma? baba died years ago right?" Rudra asked confusingly

"No he didn't. I lied to everyone, he never died on the first place. After he murdered Arvind and sumati, he tried to kill bondita.

I sent him behind the bars but he ran away from then I increased bondita's security."

Thakuma revealed

Rudra and Ansh knew how their father was and all his deeds but they never knew that he was still alive.

After knowing that their sister is kidnapped by their father, they felt their blood burning in anger.

"Get 2 teams ready for the mission and also 1 team for back up" Anirudh ordered on his phone

"We are going to attack on them tonight itself. I don't want to waste a minute" Anirudh informed everyone

"No! Anirudh he is smart. We have to be careful otherwise bondita's life will be in danger" Binoy tried to make anirudh understand

"But baba..."

"Dada... baba is right. We have to know that area properly before attacking Somnath said in middle

"I can tell you everything related to that area" thakuma told them

"Fine let's start planning then" Rudra said while they called some of their trusted men and told them to spy over the house


Bondita coughed and looked around weakly.

Its been 48 hours, she is kept in that room. They didn't provide her food nor water, the room didn't had any sunlight.

Everyday someone used to come inside the room and inject something on her that made her body so weak.

She was losing it.... But she can't show her weakness... At least not in front of him.

"How are you feeling princess?" suman mocked

"As if I am in heaven my dear uncle" bondita mocked him back

"You are on the verge of dying and still you have that attitude inside you" He said angrily

"Genes.... Attitude is in our genes, isn't it uncle?" She asked smirking

"Go to hell..." He yelled

"Will you accompany me?" She asked innocently

"I am not harming you physically doesn't mean I can't harm you!" He said gritting his teeth in anger

"Then do it... Touch me and see the consequences" She challenged him

"Bloody bitch...."

He was about to slap her but stopped in middle as they heard a loud sound of guns.

"He is here... your death is here my dear uncle. Say hi to my parents and tell them how much i love the... oops you are going to hell not in heaven... how will you meet them?"

𝒜𝒩ℐ𝒟ℐ𝒯𝒜 : ℬ𝒰ℛ𝒩ℐ𝒩𝒢 ℒ𝒪𝒱ℰ🔞 ( OS/ TS/ SS ) Completed ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora