Fainting (Jensen Ackles)

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So in this imagine you're Jensen's little sister. The rest of the cast is also kinda included.


Warning: fainting, throwing up

Words: 945



Today I had a convention for the show Supernatural. I'm an actress on the show. I play Sam and Dean's long lost sister, which is funny, because in real life I'm Jensen's little sister.

He actually helped me get the part. I obviously had to audition and Jensen helped me with my lines and helped me practice the scene. He gave tips on facial expressions and body language. In the end I got the role and I couldn't be happier.

Like I said, there's a convention today. I have a panel with just me and I'm nervous, but also excited. Mostly nervous though. I've done tons of panel, but not one alone. I know that Jensen is backstage, which is a huge comfort.


I walk onto the stage and everyone starts screaming and yelling. I wave while sitting down on my chair and grabbing my mic.

"Hey everyone!" I greet.

They all yell hi back and I start the panel.

A few questions have been asked by now and I've been having a great time. My nerves have settled a little bit, but those feelings were exchanged with a feeling of nausea and dizziness. It's probably just from the stress I had building up to this panel.
A fan stands up and walks towards the mic to ask her question.

"Hi, my name is Laura", she says nervously.

"Hi, Laura!" I greet back, trying to make her feel comfortable.

"Hi", she giggles. "My question is, what is it like to have to work with your older brother?"

The fans start to scream at the mention of Jensen.

"Well, he's a jerk most of the time" I answer while the crowd laughs.

"No, but without joking, it's honestly kind of fun. Jensen and I always got along great while growing up and it's a dream come true to work with him. And especially when it's on one of my favorite shows. I swear I binged the whole show before my character appeared. Would it weird to say that I was kinda obsessed?" I laugh along with the crowd.

I can feel myself getting a little dizzier and I try to calm down. What the hell is going on? I take a deep breath and try to concentrate.

"Y/N?" I hear someone ask.

Crap. Another fan had stood up and she already asked her question and I didn't hear it.

"Yeah, sorry."

"It's okay. I was wondering what your favorite scene was to film this season?" the fan asked.

"Oh, uhm, let me think", I start.

I feel sweat covering my forehead. I wipe it off and stand up for a bit, hoping the dizziness would go away. Nope. Instead it became worse. I stumble on my feet and I can hear that the audience is starting to mumble. Little things like: "Is she okay?"

I try to hold the chair for stability, but it's to late. My vision blurs and then turns black. I can feel myself starting to fall.



Jensen comes running up the stage. He saw what happened while he was backstage. He had been listening to his little sisters panel. He was so proud of her.

He immediately kneels down next to Y/N and lays her on her back. He puts his arms under her and picks her up and runs backstage with her. He puts her on the couch that was there and Jared comes running up.

"What the hell happened?" he asks.

"I didn't know, man!" Jensen says, panicked.

Meanwhile Rob and Richard went on the stage to sort of take over the panel, to kind of comfort the fans about what happened.

Jensen send Jared to grab a wet towel. He'd do it himself, but he didn't want to leave Y/N's side. Jared came rushing back and put the cloth on her forehead. Jensen held her hand the whole time. He was almost terrified about what happened to his baby sister.


I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see is Jensen's concerned face. When he sees that I opened my eyes, he immediately lights up.

"Hey, how you feeling?" he asks.

"Like throwing up" I answer.

"Okay, but not on me though", he says while grabbing a trashcan that was next to the couch.

I smile slightly, but immediately turn to grab the can. I throw up and lay back down. What the hell is that? I wonder when I feel something wet on my forehead. I grab it and see that it's a towel. I grin and throw it at Jensen's face. He flinches back and death stares me.

"I'm never doing anything nice for you again" he says.

"Okay, sure" I say, knowing he's lying.


It's the end of the day and me and Jensen were in his hotel room. He insisted on me staying over at his room, so that he could watch out for me. It was sweet of him. I definitely rubbed that in his face, earning back a pillow to my face. Me and Jensen went live on Instagram, after I explained to him how.

"Hey guys, we just wanted to let you all know that Y/N is okay", Jensen says.

"Yeah, I don't really know what happened. Probably nerves, but I'm all better now!"

"That's really all we wanted to say", Jensen says.

We say our goodbyes, but the live actually ended after Jensen said:

"How do you turn this off?"

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