Umbrella (Sam Winchester)

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WARNING: arguments, cursing and a lot of big moose hugs and kisses.


"C'mon Sam, just let me come with you!"

"No, Y/N, dammit!"

"But Sam-"

"Shut up! I said no! Fucking take it!" he yells at you.

You and Sam were having an argument. A fight. A stupid fight and the most embarrassing part about it, is that Dean was right there. A normal conversation about a hunt became a bad, bad fight. You wanted to go on this hunt with the two brothers, but Sam wouldn't let you, even though you've been hunting before you knew the two of them.

"Okay, that's enough you two!" Dean yells, holding his hands up. "Grow the hell up, man. She's strong and smart, she can handle it."

Sam gives him a death stare and Dean quickly gets up and walks away, not wanting to get punched. It was quiet for awhile. "Sam, you have to understand that-"

"Shut you mouth, Y/N. You don't have a say in this. You're not coming. I forbid you. "

"You forbid me?! You fucking- this is my life, Sam! You can't order me around, making me your bitch!"

"I wasn't-"

"Let me fucking finish, Winchester." you say while eying him and pointing at him. He quickly shuts up.

"I'm not just gonna sit at home, cleaning and cooking for you guys. I'm not just gonna sit at home and watch a movie, dreaming about my amazing boyfriend coming home. No. I'm gonna be sitting at home wondering if your alive and hoping that you'll call me and say that you made it out alive, that Dean made it out alive. Your just with two people and that's not enough! I just wanna help! And if you don't let me do that I'm gonna go fucking insane!"

He takes a deep breath and says: "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Oh please. Y'know what? Take that lovely excuse, roll it up, and shove it up your ass!" you yell and storm out of the bunker.

Sam sighs and rubs his hand over his face. "Dumbass" Dean says as he walks by. Sam rolls his eyes gives him the finger.

Meanwhile your sitting outside the bunker on one of the top steps. In the dark and it's pouring rain. Your trying your best to hold in your tears, because you didn't want to cry over something stupid like this. It's just that Sam had been away so many times that you barely got to spent time with him.

Your freezing your ass off. Your clothes are soaked and you can't tell if your crying or if it's the rain. You wrap you arms around yourself to try and get a little warmer. You know you could just go inside, but you refuse to. You just need some time alone and you can't get that in the bunker, since you share a bedroom with Sam.

A few moments later the door of the bunker opens and a tall guy with an umbrella steps out. You pretend like you don't see him. He sits down next to you and it's quiet for awhile. Awkward.

"Sam, if you're not going to say anything, you can just leave."

He sighs and tries to find some words.
Now it's your turn to sigh and you say: "You can start with saying your sorry."

"Y/N, I want you to listen to me for a second."

You keep quiet, signaling for him to continue.

"I know that you really wanna go on this hunt and I know that your a great hunter..... but-"

Oh God there was a but.

"But you have to understand that I don't want to see you get hurt. I don't want you to lay there on the ground and have me thinking your dead. I just can't. I can't, Y/N. I can't lose you" he tells you.

You stay quiet, not knowing what to say. You shiver from the cold. Next thing you know Sam hands you the umbrella, takes his jacket off and lays it on top of your shoulders. He takes back the umbrella, but keeps it over your head. You look at him, tears are stinging in your eyes, but you hope Sam won't see them because of the rain, but he immediately notices. He sits closer to you and puts his arm around you, hugging you from the side. "I'm sorry", he whispers.
You lay your head on his shoulder and say: "It's okay."

You both sit there for a while. Then Sam suddenly speaks: "You can come."


"You can come on the hunt with us."

You look at him. A smile slowly creeping onto your face. "Really?" you ask. He nods and smiles back at you. You were just about to press your lips onto Sam's, when the bunker door opens with a creek. "What are you two morons doing?" Dean asks.

"Dean, common man", Sam whines.

"What? I thought you were having a fight", he says while pointing at the two of you. "And what, now your gonna have sex on the stairs?"

"Jezus Christ, Dean" Sam says while you chuckle.

Dean laughs and goes back inside, but before the door closes he says:
"Use protection!"

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