First Kiss (Jack Kline)

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WARNING: Drunk, kissing, memory loss

Words: 695

"Common, Y/N, can you at least try to walk a little bit?" Jack asks as he tries to get you to bed.

You've been drinking with Dean that evening. That probably says enough. You're wasted.

You laugh as Jack tries his best to hold you up and walk you to your room. "Y/N, please", Jack pleads. You try and walk with him, making the both of you slam into a wall.

You finally got to your room and Jack sits you on the bed. He helps you take your shoes of and then he hesitates. "Do you think you can change your clothes yourself?" he asks, a little shy. You nod your head. "I'll be right out the door then. Call me when your done."

Jack sits outside of your room. Patiently waiting for you to call him back. Suddenly he hears a loud thud. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asks, but he got no answer. "I'm coming in." he walks through the door and sees you laying on the floor in your underwear and a tanktop. He immediately walks towards you and asks if your okay. You burst out laughing, to a point where you can barely breath. It makes Jack laugh as well.

He eventually helped you put on your pajamas and gets you in bed. He tells you goodnight and turns around to leave, but you grab his hand. "Can you stay tonight? Please?" you ask. He hesitates for a bit, but he takes off his shoes and lays down next to you. You cuddle into his side, laying your arm across his chest. He freezes for a second. He's never been this close with someone. You slowly make your way on laying completely on top of him. "Y/N?" Jack asks nervously. "Yeah?", you ask. It stays quiet. You look up at Jack and he's already looking at you. Your mind is dazy from drinking, a funny feeling is pooling in your stomach. You can't think anymore. Jack's eyes look right into yours. He looks so innocent and pure. Without thinking you slowly move your lips towards his. "Y/N.." Jack whispers. "Shh", you answer and with that you press your lips on his. He's frozen on the spot, but you don't even notice. Maybe it's from the alcohol or maybe it's just because it feels so good.

After a little while Jack pushes you away gently. "I think we should try to sleep", he says and he turns the bedside light off.


Y/N fell asleep. What just happened? Was that a kiss? Wow, my first kiss. Should I tell her that it was my first? Would she still remember in the morning. Oh God, tomorrow morning. What am I supposed to say? Is it going to be weird?

~~~Time skip~~~

It's the next morning. I actually got some sleep last night, which I don't do a lot. I notice that Y/N isn't in bed anymore. I hear some coughing coming from the bathroom and then a toilet flushing. Y/N comes walking out of the bathroom. She doesn't look to well. I think she's sick.

"Are you sick?" I ask.

"No, Jack, I was gardening in there", she says. I'm confused. Can you do gardening in the bathroom. I mean, they do get their water easily then. "I was being sarcastic, Jack", she says. Oh. Yeah, that's not my strong suit.

"So, you want to talk about last night?" I ask her.

"Oh yeah! Thank you so much for staying with me. I must have been a disaster", she says. "Also, did I fall or something? I got a major bruise on my leg", she asks.

"Ehm, yeah", I answer. Does she still remember what she did?

"Can you remember anything else?"

"Not really. I didn't do anything crazy did I?"

"No. No you didn't", I lie.

Maybe it's better if she doesn't know. Maybe there's a reason she forgot. That doesn't mean I want to forget though. I'll always remember it.
My first kiss.

My first kiss with my crush, Y/N Y/L/N.

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