afterlife [Katelena]

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(A/N: Second part of 'trace' aka the reactions!

I lost so many braincells writing this so I apologize if it's not my best work.

[Spam] comments are always appreciated!)


"Is everyone okay?"

Steve asks as everyone from the van climbs up into the back of the truck. Steve and Natasha had left Kate and Yelena back at the rendezvous point, and had picked up the rest of the group. The couple had found the van stuck in mud, and no matter how hard Bucky had tried, the van was a lost cause.

"I've been better," Tony mumbles in pain as he carefully cradles his arm that had a deep cut that he received from jumping down from the tower.

"Where's Kate and Yelena?" Peter questions exhaustively as he leans against MJ, gripping his SMG on his lap.

"Back at the campground waiting for us," Natasha comments, her voice laced with anxiety. Her foot was tapping impatiently beside Steve who was driving. He glanced at the redhead in concern,

"Hey, we're going back there right now. They should be fine," Steve tries to reassure as he puts his free hand on her knee. This gesture does nothing to ease the girl's tapping foot as she nods distantly feeling a tight feeling in her chest that she can't seem to shake off.

Something doesn't feel right.

"Does anyone care to explain what happened back there?" Clint roughly asked as he checked his ammo pouch.

"I don't even know man," Bucky replies, running his hand through his black hair, "It feels like we're being set up. Someone has to be out for us."

"Like who?" MJ furrows her eyebrows.

"Raiders?" Laura simply said.

"Maybe," Bucky answers and shakes his head, "I'm sorry about the van."

"Not your fault Buck," Steve reassures, "We'll go everything again tomorrow but for now let's just get ourselves situated."

The leader quietly drives into the village and proceeds to turn off the headlights and the engine.

"It's so quiet," Laura comments as she takes her husband's helping hand and climbs down from the back of the truck.

"Yeah, no zombies here, it's nice," Steve says as he grabs his shield from the back. Beside him was Natasha who was straining her eyes. Natasha attempted to pierce through the obscurity, searching for any sign of Kate and Yelena from where the group was at but nothing.

"I'm going to go find Yelena and Kate," Natasha distractedly looks around for the familiar archer and blonde mop of hair but still no signs. Her heart raced with anticipation and worry, but she tried to calm herself down and think rationally. This area was huge and covered a lot of acres, so the quietness makes sense plus why would the two want to attract any unwanted attention by making loud noises?

"I'll go with you," Clint steps forward but not before kissing Laura, "I'll catch up with you, okay?"

"With Kate," Laura added, nodding.

"With Kate," Clint repeats before walking in stride with the redhead who was gripping her metal rod tightly, "Why do you look like you are ready to attack? This place is clear, no?"

"Yeah, but you never know Clint," Natasha whispers, "I..I have a bad feeling."

"About Kate and Yelena?" Clint's eyes widened as he started to grip his bow tightly looking around for any potential threats.

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