the pickle theory [Katelena]

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A/N: Happy 50th oneshot!! This is the 50th oneshot of this book. Wild.

Prompt: A 5+1 oneshot inspired by the olive theory, the idea that if one person loves olives and the other hates them, they will be two halves of a whole that fit together perfectly, except make it pickles.

Part 2 of 'my dog has good taste' so highly recommend reading that first then come back to read this one :)

Vote, spam comment (high encourage) and enjoy!


i. Shell-shaped pasta

"After you, my lady" Kate jokingly says as she gestures for Yelena to go into the grocery store first.

"Oh, chivalry isn't dead after all," Yelena comments amused at her unofficial girlfriend's antics as she grabs a hand-held grocery basket.

"Always at your service," Kate says in a terrible British accent while bowing.

"You should work on that accent of yours darling. That was not cool," The blonde says in a perfect British accent.

"Of course you're good at accents too," Kate groans though she is unable to stop the smile that appears on her face.

Yelena just shrugs as she stops at the pasta aisle and examines the plethora of options in front of them.

"What do you think about penne for the mac n cheese, Kate Bishop?"

Kate hums thoughtfully as she observes the other options. Tapping her chin, she reaches out to grab a box,

"Okay, but here me out. How about this?"

Yelena looks down at the box the tall girl had grabbed and looked up with an amused expression and a raised eyebrow,

"Shells? For mac n cheese?"

"Uh, yeah! The shell-shaped pasta scoops up all of that cheese and you get a mouthful of it in each bite! I'm telling you this is the best pasta for mac n cheese." Kate explains wildly, her right hand still clutching onto the box of shelled shaped pasta.

"Oh Kate Bishop," Yelena affectionately chuckles, "Go on"

"Yeah? We can have shell shaped mac n cheese tonight?" Kate lightens up, practically bouncing in place at the thought of getting that perfect bite of cheesy goodness from each and every shell for dinner.

It had been a couple weeks since Yelena had discovered Kate was the one who brought Fanny to the rescue. And just as talked about, the two went on a date that following weekend and hit it off really well. Kate had taken it upon herself to take them to a restaurant her friend, Grill's, owned which was actually near Clint's gym. Yelena herself was surprised that she'd never eaten there. They had the best steak she's ever had (don't tell Natasha who labeled herself the grill master). By the end of the night, Kate had dropped her back at her place, placing a chaste kiss on the blonde's cheek before being pulled in for an actual kiss by Yelena, sealing off their successful night.

For their second date, Yelena decided she was going to take the woman to an astronomical observatory after Kate had rambled about how her dad used to take her when she was a child and how she was actually obsessed with astronomy for a while because of it. The topic of her dad had come out accidentally and although Yelena had reassured the girl that she didn't have to share anything with her, especially so early in this developing relationship, Kate waved her off stating she was comfortable already sharing something close to her heart with the blonde. This conversation ventured off towards the subject of the blonde's own dad in which Yelena had shook her head and Kate had easily understood and veered the subject towards their beloved dogs. Their second date was an overall success, leaving both women infatuated with the other, but they still weren't official.

Oneshots ||Scarlizzie • Florlee • Katelena • WandanatHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin