Brush [Scarlizzie]

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Prompt: Scarlett helping Lizzie dry and brush her hair after a shower.

My first prompt using the website,

Proofread? Nah. 



Scarlett barely makes out as she intently reads the current reports sent to her for 'The Outset'. Business has been booming lately which she is very grateful for, but that doesn't mean the work pauses or stops. It's an avalanche of work her and Kate have been nonstop going through and she finds herself going to bed after midnight everyday for the past few weeks.


Again Scarlett hears it but doesn't allow her attention to falter from the computer screen.

"My love"

"Mhm" Scarlett finally responds.

The person trying to get her attention was not happy with her response and Scarlett knew they had popped their head out of where they were, the bathroom, causing their voice to be heard clearer,

"Scarlett Ingrid Johansson."

Scarlett froze at the use of her (almost) full name before slowly swiveling around on the office chair she was on with her arms crossed. Her eyebrows raised and a playful smirk on her face as she stared back at the culprit.

Lizzie had her hands on her hips, with a slightly annoyed look on her face. The woman's hair was dripping wet falling to the ground and being absorbed by the burgundy robe she was wearing.

"...Olsen" Scarlett answered

Lizzie just raises an eyebrow at that.

"Johansson-Olsen" Scarlett repeats before getting up slowly and walking towards the freshly showered woman.

"My full name is Scarlett Johansson-Olsen" Scarlett's voice deepened into a whisper as she stops just a few inches away from a grinning Lizzie.

"Well, Mrs. Johansson-Olsen," Lizzie mocks, "I called you multiple times and you ignored me"

Scarlett pouts, "I'm sorry. I was too focused on the report Kate had sent me. I want to go to bed before midnight this time."

Lizzie sighed but nodded understandingly.

"What did you need?" Scarlett questioned curiously.

"Can you just take a quick break for me?" Lizzie sent the woman puppy eyes.

Scarlett hesitated a bit before nodding, "Yeah of course. What did you need?"

For a second, Lizzie seem to hesitate and the blonde noticed. Furrowing her eyebrows at that, Scarlett reaches forward to put her hands on Lizzie's hips and pulled the girl closer to her so that she had no choice but to look straight into her eyes.

"Hey, you know I won't judge you? What is it?" Scarlett whispered.

Lizzie physically relaxed in Scarlett's grip and melted into it. She let her eyes trail and admire Scarlett's fresh face, no hint of makeup whatsoever. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and her cute glasses on.

"Can you brush my hair for me?" Lizzie whispered looking own shyly.

Scarlett raises her eyebrows in surprise before nodding, "Of course I can."

Lizzie just nods in relief before exchanging smiles with her wife.

"I have the brush here," Lizzie seemingly pulled out a brush out of thin air making Scarlett grin at the woman's premeditated decision despite not knowing the outcome of her question.

"Great. Now come on, let's get you on the bed" Scarlett gently tucks Lizzie towards their bed.

Lizzie's shy demeanor quickly disappeared and did a whole 180, a confident smirk making her way onto her face before quick-wittedly responding,

"Woah. Woah. I'm not in the mood" Lizzie joked.

Scarlett just rolled her eyes before pushing Lizzie on the shoulders gently, forcing her to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Sit," Scarlett sternly points before making her way behind Lizzie and climbing onto the bed.

Now, on her knees, she grabs the brush and gently starts pulling any of the woman's hair out from inside the robe.

"So," Scarlett began, "Was there a reason that you wanted me to brush your hair today?"

Lizzie stays silent, not answering right away, leaving the two in comfortable but anticipated silence.

"I just like it when you brush me haven't done it in awhile," Lizzie mumbles shrugging.

Scarlett pauses mid brush before frowning guiltily.


Scarlett brushing Lizzie's hair became an unspoken routine that Lizzie and Scarlett had developed back when they first moved in together.

It was innocent.




A small gesture that may seem like nothing to other people, but it was one of the little things that Scarlett had grown to love about the way her and Lizzie are with each other.

"I'm sorry," Scarlett quietly answers.

"Don't apologize," Lizzie shakes her head before turning to look at Scarlett who had to stop everything she was doing because of it, "It's not a big deal. That's your business, which I am so proud of you by the way. I understand you have to take care of it."

Scarlett just shakes her head in disagreement, "You come first. And I'm disappointed in myself for not making you first priority lately."

Scarlett whispered, "It's our thing. You will always matter more than any business."

"Don't tell Kate I said that," Scarlett quickly added making Lizzie laugh.

"I love you" Lizzie blurts out.

"I love you too." Scarlett smiles softly before leaning down to give her wife a kiss.

Pulling away, she grins before saying,

"Now turn around and let me brush your hair, Mrs. Olsen-Johansson."


Words: 1007

A/N: A very short Scarlizzie oneshot because I'm running a bit low on inspiration with them and Florlee
:( Trying my best to get out of it though.

I've been getting really into another ship, Ronance [Robin Buckley & Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things] if you don't know already. I've been motivated to write ANOTHER Social Media AU but this time it's on them! So if you could, I would love it if you guys showed my new book some love as I'll most likely be dedicated a lot of my time on that as of now.

Hopefully I'll feel inspired to write more Scarlizzie+Florlee content soon, but until then..hope to see my Ronance shippers on the other side :)

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