Multiverse: Part 1 [Florlee]

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Ayo another update already? Crazy.

Prompt: Kate gets sent to another Universe and meets...Yelena? and herself?

I apologize for any mistakes 0_o

[No real spoilers from MoM]

Kate Bishop's POV

"You're still up?" I questioned while yawning as I walked downstairs to where America was mindlessly staring at the tv rubbing Lucky's head.

"I can't sleep" America mumbled taking her hand off of Lucky who whined at the loss of comfort.

"What's up? You think it has something to do with your powers?" I inquired as I went into the kitchen to grab my 'Hawkeye' mug. I was craving some chai tea.

"I think so. I finally got control over it though and then this happens?" America sighs, "Maybe I should go see Strange."

"Ah. Your dad" I teased my friend knowing the two had a special father-daughter bond. America made a noise at that but didn't say anything.

"You mind if I join you?" I asked gesturing to the television with my hand.

"Of course not. Join Lucky and I" America shot the girl a smile scooting over to make more space on the couch.

"What are we watching?" I asked as I plop on the couch, almost spilling my tea.

"Pretty Little Liars" America nodded her head to the screen that showed Emily and Hanna dancing in a studio.

"Good choice"

America hummed in agreement, "Bless the universe for Emily Fields."

"I don't know. Hanna is more my type" I added.

"Ah right the blonde with the most sarcastic, blunt, yet funny personality. Sounds familiar" America said deadpanned while looking at me.

I blink at her, "What?"

"Nothing. Nothing" America drawled. I huffed at her and crossed my arms. What did she mean by that?

Before I knew it I had fallen back asleep, my chai tea left cold beside me and a fidgety America.


Third Person's POV

An annoying sound interrupted Kate's dream of the LARPers bowing down to her after saving New York City.

The archer grumbled and mindlessly reached out to stop the loud alarm. Eventually, she succeeded and that's when she noticed something was..different.

Her eyes popped open and she found herself in one of the most comfortable beds she's ever been on. This was so not her bed. Her bed was way too stiff and in no way shape or form could it feel like you were on a cloud which is precisely how the archer felt at the moment. With furrowed eyebrows, she looked at the soft and fluffy blanket that was covering herself and tightly held onto it.

"America?" Kate tentatively called out while looking around the room. Then, she noticed the room. It was big yet held so much comfort from the way it was decorated from the art frames, the random items scattered everywhere, and the smell of cinnamon and vanilla in the room.

"This..this is not my room" Kate muttered before getting the covers off of herself and standing up. She looked down and noticed she was still in the clothes she went to bed with, a purple sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. She rolled the sleeves of her sweatshirt up and examined her surroundings again.

Hesitantly, she started making her way to the door and explored the mysterious place more.

"This is not my apartment, this is a whole ass house" Kate looked around in shock and in awe, "It's beautiful though.."

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