Motorcycle [Scarlizzie]

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It's the first day of filming 'Civil War' and Lizzie is excited. Someone makes a grand entrance on a motorcycle and Lizzie is intrigue on who it could be

Type: Humor

"IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK" Chris Evan's voice boomed as he entered the set. It was the first day of filming 'Civil War' and everyone was excited to be back.

It was a year ago since they last filmed 'Age of Ultron' and most of the cast was stoked to be filming with each other again.

"CHRIS" Lizzie yelled excitedly as she bounced her way into the man's muscular arms. Chris hugged the bubbly girl back

"LIZZIE!" Chris exclaimed back with the same excitement.

"How have you been?" Chris asked after they pulled away.

"Great! I'm excited to be here" Lizzie looked around gesturing to the cast and crew roaming around on set.

Chris nodded in agreement, "Have you seen anyone els-"

"LIZZIE! CHRISSY!" A voice boomed out of nowhere as a pair of arms pulled the two into a hug.

"Hey Jeremy" Lizzie mumbled against his chest still stuck in the guys embrace. She pulled away and smiled brightly at the 'Hawkeye' actor.

"Hey kid" Jeremy ruffled Lizzie's hair making the girl whine,

"Stop calling me Kid, that's Tom" Lizzie pouted.

"Hey!" A far voice yelled. It was Tom shouting from his makeup seat a few feet away from them.

"Still a kid" Jeremy teased nonetheless.

As the trio continued to talk they were eventually interrupted by a rumbling sound coming from a motorcycle that was approaching them.

"Who rides a motorcycle here?" Lizzie questioned.

Before Chris could respond, the motorcyclist took off their helmet and long blonde hair bounced upon their shoulders.

"S-Scarlett" Lizzie stuttered suddenly feeling flustered

Jeremy turned to look at the girl and raised an eyebrow at the odd reaction. He glanced at Chris who was on the other side of the girl and they exchanged confused looks.

"Hey ScarJo!" Jeremy called out knowing how much the other hated the nickname.

Scarlett held up a middle finger but smiled nontheless.

"Nice ride! She's a beaut" Chris complimented gesturing to the girl's motorcycle.

"Thank you. I got her early this year" Scarlett beamed placing the helmet she had in her hands and placing them down. She was fiddling with her leather gloves deciding whether to remove them now or later. She decided to keep them on for now.

"Hey boys. Hey Liz" Scarlett finally walked towards the trio and stopped right in front of them, running her leather gloved hand through her hair.

"H-hi" Lizzie replied back pathetically, her eyes following the way Scarlett's hand ran through her blonde locks.

"I didn't know you knew how to ride a motorcycle." Lizzie was able to question once she got herself together.

"ScarJo over here shares that with Natasha Romanoff herself, it's pretty cool. I will admit" Jeremy shrugs.

Scarlett chuckles at that, "Why? You ever been on one?"

Lizzie shook her head no.

"Do you want to ride?" Scarlett nonchalantly asked.

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