Kiss Cam [Scarlizzie]

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Prompt: I don't want to give anything away here but it's basically in the title, Kiss Cam 🤩 sooo enjoy!

Inspired by a clexa oneshot I read recently

Type: Humor

Happy reading ya'll)


Third Person's POV

"AND CURRY MAKES THE SHOT" A loud booming voice echoes through the stadium. Lizzie flinches as the crowd around her screams and cheers. She turns to her left to look at Boyd, the 'it' boy at their high school.

Boyd Holbrook was the quarterback at Westfield High School, who has been insistently trying to get with Lizzie, who was not the cheer caption like you may expect if this were a typical high school story on television.

Lizzie was quiet and kept to herself, but that didn't mean no one knew who she was. The girl was quite smart and it showed from the many academic trophies she has won in the past 3 years of her high school career. They were seniors now, and Lizzie was expecting to get into her dream school at Harvard.

Anyways, not only had Lizzie made a name for herself through her intellectual mind, but she was best friends with the most popular girl of the school, Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson was the captain of Westfield's soccer team. She became captain in the middle of her freshman year making her the youngest captain of all. Their coach, Miss Stewart saw the potential and drive of the girl and didn't hesitate to offer the position to the gal.

Along with football, soccer was also a sport that Westfield paid the most attention to so it wasn't surprise that Johansson was popular. It doesn't help that the woman is also unbelievably attractive. Lizzie's sure that most people only go to soccer game's because of the captain, but I mean that's the reason Lizzie goes.

You know, because Scarlett's her best friend and best friends support each other, right?

Anyways, back to reality, those same two people were on each side of her. Boyd to her left, as he was the one who invited her, and Scarlett to her right, both intently watching the game.

Boyd had asked her out (for the 5th time this month) saying how his dad had scored him tickets to the Golden State Warriors vs Lakers basketball game. Obviously when he first asked, Lizzie refused.

The topic came up with Scarlett one day however because she knew the girl had a thing for basketball and so happened to know that the Warriors were her favorite team.

She should've known that Scarlett would've begged her to go, at least in behalf of her as this would be a missed opportunity.

Now, why was Scarlett also here?

Being the desperate dog that Boyd was, he offered to buy Scarlett a ticket as well, claiming that as long as Lizzie comes, he doesn't mind.

So here they were. Boyd, Lizzie, Scarlett, and oh yeah Florence, Scarlett's close friend and soccer teammate.

Boyd's father must really have connections because Boyd bought another ticket so the soccer captain can bring whoever she wanted to avoid being the third wheel (wow so considerate)

So here they were watching the warriors and lakers battle it out in front of them.

"NO NO come on! The Warriors aren't even that good" Boyd complained. Lizzie hears Scarlett snorts on her right,

"Yeah and that explains why they're beating the Lakers" Scarlett retorted.

Boyd glares at the blonde but doesn't say anything.

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