Hunger Games [Kate Bishop]

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A/N: This is titled, 'Kate Bishop', only because it is only Kate. Yelena doesn't get introduced. Most of you guys will recognize this as the story I had published separately. I had an idea of a Hunger Games Katelena AU but I never continued it so I ended up unpublishing it. I don't think I'll ever continue this but I didn't want to just delete what I had, I wanted to keep it somewhere so I'm putting it here.

Keep in mind again, there is NO Katelena and nothing much happens in this. If you are someone who doesn't like reading incomplete stories that will probably never update, don't read this. I'm one of those people, so I understand.

If anyone would like to take what I have so far and continue it, by all means, go ahead! Interpret the story from what I have so far, I would love for someone to do that. I just completely ran out of motivation for this story.


District 12 - Town Square - Day

Kate Bishop steps foot into the dull Town Square with her bow strapped on her back. The district known as the home of the coal - "The Seam" - and at the center of the Square, a large TV screen. The piece of technology, looking quite out of place in comparison to the seemingly gray trees surrounding the 2,000 townspeople gathered watching helplessly.

Kate scans the faces of the townspeople, most she is on first name basis with, and Kate could see the same look in their eyes. Pain. Tiredness. Lifeless.

A voice boomed from the speakers of the television,

"And there goes Leo, now that is too bad. Ray Hernandez from District 5 had taken the poor guy off guard from behind and ended him without any hesitation! Once again, both Tributes from District 12 are out. At least they lasted longer this time around!"

Silence filled the air. Tension thick. So silent, a drop of a penny could be heard from miles away.

"Don't forget, my dear friends, to vote for your favorite Tribute! We are down to the final 5, with Ophelia from District 8 being the only survivor without their fellow district partner with them! It cost six Florins to vote!"

Kate blinks at the big screen watching as the girl from District 8 scan her surroundings for any potential threats. The archer removes her eyes from the screen when she hears a sudden scream make its way out of a 40 year old woman. That's when Kate notices how pale the woman's face was. Not only that, but how much pain and agony was written all over her face.

That was Abby. The mother of Leo, the District 12 boy that had just died on screen a few seconds ago.

Kate inhales silently before turning around sharply and walking further into the Town Square. Her braided hair swinging from the motion and resting on the archer's right shoulder.

She watches as a few townspeople walk pass her, probably making their way towards Abby to get the paralyzed mother out of there. Not once does Kate turn back around, now having one mission in mind, and that is to find her friend, Lila Barton.

Lila Barton.

Also known as Clint Barton's daughter.

Clint Barton was Kate's friend? Trainer? Mentor? Who taught the girl how to shoot a bow in order to hunt for food that she can bring home to feed her mother.

Kate had lost her father at a young age and thus the Bishop family consists of only Kate and her mother, Eleanor. Even at 7 years old, Kate knew she had to be the one to take care of her mother and provide for her, and it was just her luck when young Kate ended up running into Clint Barton one day who fortunately took her under his wing, and taught her how to use a bow and arrow.

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