Chapter 80

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Days turned into weeks.

Weeks turned into months.

Months turned into years.

Years turned into an entire decade.

Everyone was happy. Everyone IS happy. Not too much has changed in the entire course of being together. The guys didn't exactly end their careers or quit being BTS, but they did take a break for their military services. They came back afterwards with grand performances for ARMY. Everything just kind of slowed down for them afterwards.

None of your true relationships have gone public, which is insane and astounding to everyone. But all of you are grateful for it at the same time. It lets everyone relax more, spend time with each other. There's speculations, of course, but no one can find anything to dig up to prove it. It makes you laugh when you think about it, finding it absolutely hilarious that the entire world has missed the most obvious things.

S/N, Hobi, and Jin.. they all had a ceremony to signify their happiness. They can't all get married, unfortunately, but they could do that. They all exchanged rings and vows like it was a wedding. Now, there's a 4 year old little girl that looks just like her mom, but acts like Jin, as well as a 6 year old little boy who looks just like Hobi, but acts like his mom. They all moved to Jeju, having a little more privacy for your niece and nephew. They did add a group of animals to their home, though. Jin keeps talking about starting a farm for them.

It was similar for BF/N, with Jimin and Yoongi. They had a ceremony, a couple of years after S/N did. They haven't decided on kids yet, more focused on traveling around the world with Holly. It's been about 6 months since everyone saw them, but you talk to her at least twice a week. You know she happy and living her best life, and you know that they're taking good care of her in the process. Yoongi and Jimin will post pictures in the group chat every so soften, showing everyone something new that they found, or a nice sunset. For some reason, they send pictures of the bugs, too, making you cringe every time you see it.

And you? Well. It's been a roller coaster. The world is still focused on the two youngest members, eventually giving up on everyone else. Actually, that's not the way to put it. It wasn't like they gave up. They, more or less, stopped focusing so much on everyone else. Joon feels relieved by it, but you can tell he enjoys it when people recognize him from time to time.

The four of you have talked about having a ceremony if your own, but at this point it's less talked about. You all have your own rings, not needing to make it official when the people who mean the most to all of you, they already know. Joon still focuses a lot on art, Tae with music and late night drives, and Kook is still working out all the time, as well as his own music. You.. you became a published author, under an alias of course, but your stories are out in the world now. No one seemed to link you to your fanfictions, so you keep those to yourself, now with more of a focus on your three instead of everyone. You somehow managed to get on a best seller list, which is amazing and scary at the same time.

The four of you decided on a major thing, however. About the time that S/N found out that she was pregnant with your nephew, you finally got the approval to have a complete hysterectomy. At first, the doctors weren't sure on how much you meant that you wanted it all gone. You had to go through multiple therapist recommendations before they finally agreed to let you. Unfortunately, as much as the guys tried to push it and help you, it never worked. You've now been freed from more trauma that your past has caused.

You did change your mind on one thing, however. Adoption. It wasn't the same at first. But you wanted to help these kids find a place of safety and security. A home. Something you never got. When you noticed how their barriers started coming down, when you noticed that they started to enjoy living for the first time.. the guys never told you no when you asked if you could have another. They enjoy being dads, you have always known they would. But you didn't think you'd be able to feel like this. You never thought you'd be able to feel complete. And you do now. With all three of your kids, and all three of your forever men. Your oldest son is 11 years old, with a very spunky attitude that sometimes reminds you of your best friend. Your middle daughter is 9 years old, and she reminds you so much of Yoongi sometimes that it's actually insane. And your youngest daughter, being 2 years old, is a fly on the wall. She acts like the rambunctious trio, but when calm, she's just like Joon. It shocks you when you remember that they have no blood correlation with any of them, yet can act so much like them that it makes you question.

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