Chapter 22

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‼️ TW - content ahead speaks of mental health, suicidal thoughts, therapy, etc.
Please seek medical attention if you feel dangerous to yourself, or to others. It's not too late. ‼️


You explain to the room what you and Taehyung talked about when he put your best friend to bed. You have given them the same information that you gave him. You explained the mental health, well, what you knew of it. You tell them to ask questions so you and S/N can help them understand your reactions to different things when it comes to your best friend.

"Has she ever attempted, before?" Jin asks, "She said something to me earlier when she was making dinner, and now I'm not sure if she meant it in that way."

"What did she say?" S/N asks.

"Well, we were talking about her favorite songs of ours and why. She told me her 3 top songs, and the one I'm worried about is On. She said that it reminds her to keep fighting for herself. That it's a reminder that her story isn't over yet." He answers.

You nod, "It is what you're thinking, Jin. She has attempted before, from what she told me and S/N. I only know of one time, though. Her saying her 'story isn't over yet' is a saying that people who have a hard time with mental health, have attempted and failed in the attempt. So their story goes on another day. "

S/N nods in agreement, "Exactly what Y/N said. There's a semicolon that goes with the saying. So if you see a semicolon by itself or in a design of a tattoo or anything like that, that's why. But yeah, she's attempted, I think like 4 times, but I may be wrong on that. I never got the courage to even go that route, but she did. The depression I have isn't as severe as hers."

"Why?" You hear Joon ask, "Why did she even try?"

"We don't know." You answer, "At least, I don't. She doesn't like talking about it. All I know is she normally uses your music to help bring her back out of that mentality."

"I know why," S/N says, "But it's nothing good. And everyone is probably going to get pissed if they know why."

You look over at her, "If you think that it's something that we can help understand her more with, please tell us why." You say.

She looks around the room and everyone has the same look, causing her to nod.

"None of you know this, understood?" She says, pointing her finger around the room, "Play stupid, and for the love of anything that is holy, do NOT tell her I was the one who said anything."

You nod in agreement, and as you look around the room you see that all of the guys are too.

S/N sighs, "The first time she attempted, that I know of, is because of how it was for us growing up." She starts, and you automatically know what she's talking about, "Growing up wasn't easy for either of us, but it was worse on her. She took responsibility for any and every thing, no matter what it was."

"Because she did so much for me, she continued to neglect herself. Neither one of us had a childhood, but mine was easier than hers." She continues, "So I know that the first time was because of everything she had endured to protect me." This was the only instance that you knew of. You had thought there weren't anymore instances, but apparently you were wrong.

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