Chapter 10

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"So, you remember the call where I officially told you about me and Hobi?" your sister starts, not giving you a second to answer, "Well, I found out a couple days before that about my break. And while you were calling and talking to BF/N after I told you about us being together, I asked him if it would be a problem for him and the guys if they were to come, except he thought I was only talking about him at first. It then ended up with everyone agreeing."

You nod your head as you listen, "I understand. But you can't just drop a bombshell this fucking huge, again. You and BF/N know about my anxiety. This could have gone completely different if you had let me prepare my emotional capability before hand."

She grins at you, "I could have, but then they wouldn't have gotten the first reaction from the biggest ARMY's I've ever met in my life." she smiles again and moves around the guys, pulling your best friend with her, over to you, where she continues, "I know both of you are just shocked at this point, but you both have to admit that this was cool as shit."

You turn red in the face, "Shut the hell up and stop calling us out." you shake your head and laugh, "Yes, it was a really good surprise. Honestly, if it was anyone else I wouldn't have had that reaction. It would have been mild, if anything at all."

Your best friend nods beside you, "Same here. If it wasn't BTS of all people, neither one of us would have reacted the way we did. BTS is the ultimate group."

You feel the eyes on you almost immediately as she finishes her statement. You feel your anxiety making your hands clammy and making you shake, but the feeling of dread isn't there anymore.

"Well, it's obvious that everyone here knows who we are, but I think we should introduce ourselves." says Namjoon. You think he's trying to change the topic.

You see the rest of the boys nod in agreement, and starting at the left they all introduce themselves.

"Hey, I'm Jeon Jungkook." he says with his bunny smile you've grown so fond of over the years.

"Park Jimin." is all he says, but he says it looking at the floor. You start to wonder if he's nervous, too. You can't see why, because it's fucking Jimin, but you could definitely understand if he was.

"Min Yoongi." you hear the deep Daegu accent and your eyes flicker to your best friend, who is staring with literal heart eyes at him.. with him staring right back at her?

"Hello! I am J-Hope!" he says with the biggest smile, causing you to automatically smile back. "Nah, I'm Jung Hoseok." He says almost immediately after.

"Hello, I am worldwide handsome, Kim Seokjin." he says, of course with his flying kiss that causes you and your best friend to break out in giggles.

"Kim Namjoon, but you can call me literally anything else other than Rap Monster." he says with a smirk, causing his dimples to show. You've always had this weakness for dimples, and you hate to say it but he is bias wrecking HORRIBLY right now.

You feel like you're having an out of body experience, watching as your eyes move to your bias. You can feel your heart start racing and your palms getting clammy again. "I'm Kim Taehyung." he says, looking from your sister, to your best friend, and finally landing on you.

At least they didn't bow like they do any other time. Because if they did that you'd start interrupting them, because that shit is too formal for no reason. Even if it is part of their culture, you just couldn't.

Your best friend chokes out a laugh, trying to cover it as she watches your reaction. You could kill her, honestly. She didn't need to make it that fucking obvious. You didn't do that when Yoongi said his introduction, all you did was look at her.

You close your eyes and take another drink of your water that you still haven't finished, "Well, I'm Y/N. I'm S/N older sister. This is my best friend and basically my sister as well, BF/N." you say, finally opening your eyes back up.

You see genuine smiles all around the room, causing you to smile as well, "Welcome to my home, guys. Make yourselves comfortable and let me know if you need anything, please."

They all nod in agreement, causing you to remember something else, "Hey, S/N."

"Yeah?" she says looking at you.

"Was BTS being in my house the surprises you were talking about for me and BF/N?" you ask.

She smiles and nods, "Yeah, they are. I wanted to bring a couple other things, but I felt like this would be a bit more meaningful for you and BF/N."

You can feel your body starting to relax when you walk over to her and pull her into a hug, "Thank you, S/N. This means the world to me, you have no idea." you whisper in her ear, "But I will get you back for this. We're gonna have a talk later." you finish, pulling away.

You can see the worry in her face, causing you to laugh, "I said talk, not plan a funeral." you say.

She laughs quietly, causing you to shake your head, "Alright, all the people with more testosterone than me, please move to the living room. I need to have a chat with my sister, and BF/N is allowed in here during the conversation. So, Hobi, don't worry, I'm not going to kill her. I was going to wait until later, but she's freaking out now." you say with a smile.

He grins at you and looks over at your sister, nods, and makes his way back to the living room. All of the guys start leaving after him, but Taehyung seems to linger a bit more and focus on you. You blush and nod at him, trying to tell him that it's okay. He nods back and leaves with the three of you in your kitchen.

"Okay, S/N. Take a seat," you say, motioning her to the chairs you have at your counter.

You watch her slowly walk over and sit in one of the chairs, specifically the one furthest away from you. After she sits, you pull the chair next to her and sit in it, with your best friend sitting on the other side of you.

"S/N, don't freak out. I just want to talk to you about this." you say, looking over at her, "Breathe, S/N. We're not going to kill you." says your best friend.

You sister nods, "Alright, what do you want to know first?"


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