Chapter 28

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When you wake up, you feel warmth underneath you. You snuggle into it, as you feel extremely comfortable. You breathe in as you try to wake up more, smelling something familiar and safe. You smile softly as you realize that Tae is still with you.

And then you remember what happened earlier today, the wreck. You slowly start to open your eyes, as they don't feel like they're glued together anymore. You realize you're not in as much pain as earlier, just really sore. Your head hurts, but not like earlier either.

You slowly lift your head off of the warmth, realizing that it's Tae's chest, and you look at him. He's completely passed out, his arm still around you. His hair is all over the place, causing you to grin at the sight. He looked adorable, and he looked like he was comfortable.

You didn't want to wake him, but you really had to pee. So you reach your hand to his face, moving the hair away. You feel captivated by his mouth, but you just look at him. You focus on the mole on his nose, the arch in his top lip, and the way his face is just relaxed.

You place your hand under your chin as you look up at him. You start softly calling his name, but he doesn't budge. After a few minutes of him with no response, you decide a different way to wake him up.

You sit up, moving slowly as the soreness starts showing it's face. You reach and grab his hand as you softly swing your leg over his waist, sitting on top of him.

When you're comfortable, you let go of his hand and lean down, peppering soft kisses over his face. You place one on his lips, where you feel him smile and softly kiss you back.

You lean back and look at him, grinning. His eyes are open and he's looking at you, smiling as well.

"Hey." You say softly.

"Hey." He responds, smile still on his face.

"Can you help me get up?" You ask him, even knowing that he's waking up, you feel like your bladder is going to explode.

He nods, but doesn't move you off of him. He grabs the outside of your thighs as he swings his legs over the hospital bed, placing his feet on the floor. He slowly stands up, and just as slowly letting you place your feet next to his, letting your thighs go.

You place your hands on his shoulders as you try to balance yourself. You still feel somewhat woozy, but not like earlier. When you feel like you can stand, you look at him and smile in appreciation.

"Can you walk me to the bathroom?" You ask, blush on your cheeks, "Kinda worried about walking by myself, my head still feels a little dizzy."

He smiles softly and nods, "Yeah, I'll stand outside the door so let me know when you're ready and I'll help walk you back." He says.

He stands up slowly, placing your arm around the middle of his back and placing his over your shoulders.

"You walk first." He says, encouraging you.

You take a couple steps, him following slowly. As you walk closer to the bathroom door, you hear a knock on the main door, where a female in a while lab coat walks in.

She smiles at you, "Glad to see you moving around, Y/N." She says, "You may not remember me, but I'm Dr. Kim, I've been treating you since you came in this afternoon."

You nod softly as you look at her, "I remember you." You say with a small smile, "I going to use the restroom real fast, and then we can talk." You say, slowly walking to the restroom door.

She nods, "That's perfectly fine. I'll come back in about 10 minutes or so, okay?" She says, soft smile still on her face.

You nod and move more to the door, Tae still walking slowly. When you finally get there, he opens it for you and leans into the restroom.

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