Chapter 75

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You're fucking pissed. You're livid in every aspect of the word. How dare he yell at your best friend? For something that he wasn't even there for? And with him knowing about her reaction to yelling, too. What the fuck is wrong with him?

Your thoughts are all over the place as Sejin drives. You're trying to calm down, really you are. But it's hard. Seeing you in that state, knowing that it's because of Namjoon of all people. It angers you more than you thought it would.

"Alright." Sejin says, ending the call he was on before putting his phone in his shirt pocket.

"Is everything okay?" You hear yourself ask.

"They want me to bring you to the back. BF/N wants to talk to you first." He answers, and you can hear how he's trying to keep his voice level.

"Sejin, I'm not going to blow up on you." You say softly, "My emotions are all over the place, yes. But you're not the reason for it."

He sighs, "Maybe. But I don't even know what happened to begin with. I got your call and that's all I know."

You nod, already figuring that he wouldn't know. You look out the window, not focusing on your reflection as you look at the dusk of night, "BF/N had to tell them something. Something that she promised me she wouldn't. But she did, because she felt like she had no choice. I'm not angry with her. I'm angry because of Namjoon." You say softly.

"Is this about what Yoongi and Jimin had to tell him?" He asks.

You nod, "Yeah. She went to talk to him, getting Tae and Kook, as well as S/N. And he got.. I don't even fucking know, as she was trying to talk. She doesn't want anyone knowing the details of what happened. It hurts her when she has to think about it. So for her to force herself to talk about it.. it seemed like she didn't answer the question that he wanted. And he yelled at her."

You take a deep breath, trying to calm your anger, "She has a bad reaction when getting yelled at. Her ex.. let's just say that verbal and mental abuse was nothing compared to the damage done to her with just a tone increase. When Joon yelled at her, it sent her into a panic attack. She was already on the verge of an anxiety attack just from having to talk about what happened."

"Jesus." Sejin mutters beside you, "Now I'm following. That explains why she looked and felt the way she did."

You nod, knowing he saw more than you did when it came to her physical appearance, "Now you see why I called you?" You ask, turning your head to look at him.

You watch him nod, "Yeah. I get it." He answers as he turns the wheel. You look out the windshield, finally seeing the new house you'd be staying at. It's fucking huge, in every aspect. But it's hard for you to focus on much else as he pulls up and parks the car. You let him help you out if the car, your ribs still sore from healing, as you both make it to where your shoulder isn't moved.

He carries your things, telling you to wait for a second so he can get your best friend. You nod, letting him go so you can try and calm your nerves some. You're glad that the medicine is working, but fuck.

When she comes out, you notice how she looks like complete and utter shit. Her color is a dark grey, telling you that she's in her head. That she feels guilty and angry with herself. Her eyes are red and swollen, dried tear stains on her face. You pull her to you immediately, and that's when the conversation starts.

You can't help the amusement from her shock of you asking about Yoongi. The way you look it at, Namjoon is 100% in the wrong. There's no other way to look at it. Even if he was having a hard time hearing what she had to say, he had no reason to act like that. To raise his voice. You're not mad that Yoongi got physical. You know how you were feeling, you can only imagine what Yoongi was.

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