Chapter 25

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"Is she okay?" You hear as soon as your sister answers the video call.

"S/N, I'm fine." You say. You feel your best friend move closer to you.

"The doctor says she has a concussion, bruised ribs, seatbelt rash, and that they had to put stitches in her lip." Your best friend says, "But she hasn't been able to open her eyes since earlier. The doctor said it's because of the concussion, and that she'll probably have to be here overnight."

You don't hear a response at first, but you feel your best friend move a bit closer to you, "Jesus Christ, Y/N. Fuck the other driver, you should have been seen first." Your sister says.

"No, S/N. The other driver had a heart attack. That's why he crashed into me. I knew it had to be a medical emergency, and I was right." You say.

"I'm sorry I can't work out today. I should be fine tomorrow when I come home though." You say.

"Y/N, whether you like it or not, you're not doing a fucking thing for a while." Your best friend says, "You're not going to be able to do a lot physically for a while. So you're going to get taken care of."

You shake your head softly, grimacing as you do, "Stop worrying about me. If I'm able to come home after the swelling goes down, then I'm fine."

"Y/N." You hear Tae say. Your heart softens when hearing his voice. You don't want him to see you like this, "Please, let us take care of you. Let us help you get better."

You feel your eyes well up with tears, making you glad that you couldn't open them so they couldn't see them. All you do is nod softly, causing your best friend to breathe, in what you think is a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Tae." You hear her say.

"BF/N." You say, your voice coming out broken, "I don't want them to see me like this." The tears are flowing out of the corners of your eyes, and your best friend reaches down for your hand.

You feel her grasp it, "If they can't come here to see you, give them this." She says, squeezing softly.

"Okay." You say, "But I need you to go home and get me some new clothes. I think they cut my other ones."  The tears have stopped flowing.

You best friend snickers, "Yeah, they did. What else can I get for you?"

You shake your head, "I can't really think right now, so surprise me."

She squeezes your hand, "Okay, S/N. You heard her. She's not going to fight us and she wants me to bring her some clothes. So I'll be there in like 10 minutes."

"Okay, see you soon. Love you, Y/N!" You sister says, causing you to smile.

"Love you too, S/N." You respond.

The call ends and you feel her get up, releasing your hand. You hear her fumbling around for something, and then you hear her keys, causing you to flinch slightly.

"I'll be back soon, Y/N." She says, and you nod in response.

You hear the door shut and you feel your chest tightening. Your hands are starting to feel clammy and you can feel your heart rate picking up. You hear the beeps from the machines, that are making more noise as your heart beats.

You hear the door open shortly after the beeping got louder and faster, "Miss Y/N? I'm one of your nurses. Your heart rate is up, is everything okay?" You hear the male nurse ask.

You shake your head, "I'm in a lot of pain and my anxiety is acting up."

"Okay, let me go let the doctor know so we can get you some medication." He says, exiting the door.

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