Chapter 60 🔞

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It's a rough morning. Really rough. You didn't expect your best friend to yell at Yoongi like that, and you didn't know who to be more concerned about. Him or her. You know you flinched at his tone, even if it was hot with his angry he was. But now you see the guilt in his face.

You watch him sigh and rub his face when everyone left, and you decide to give him a few minutes to compose himself. You walk out, finding eyes on you almost immediately as you walk to the kitchen and make you some coffee. All of your stuff is ready, thankfully, but now it's just awkward.

After you finish your mug, you walk back in to find Jimin walking past you with a small smile. You can't really smile back at him, so you just sit on the couch with a sigh. S/N sits next to you, giving you a tight smile. You can understand. It's not often that your best friend gets that loud.

You watch her come out her bedroom, and you hear Five Finger Death Punch playing, telling you that she's trying to calm down. Normally she only listens to her work out playlist when she's trying to deal with her shit. You want to follow her in here, but you don't. Jimin comes out with uneasiness, and you can understand why. When she finally comes out and walks outside, he breaks the silence first.

"What the fuck?" He says, causing you to nod.

"It's not often when she gets like this. Especially to the point where she listens to that specific playlist. That playlist only comes out when she's working out, or when she's pissed and is trying to calm down. I'm pretty sure it's the latter." You answer.

"I don't think we've heard her yell like that, and with how she basically told Yoongi that his yelling didn't do shit to her.. not gonna lie it's kind of a bad bitch move." Hobi says.

You nod in agreement, "Remember, she's been off her meds for a couple months now. She can't regulate her emotions by herself at the moment, hence why she snapped without thinking. But she is right about what she told him." You say, looking at S/N.

"Yoongi ain't got nothing on her when it comes to her anger." She says, causing you to nod in agreement, "All of you may have different opinions on who is the worst about it.. But coming from personal experience, don't piss her off. She will prove to you why, without giving you a second to prepare."

"Sounds like you're scared of her when she's angry." Jin says.

You laugh, "You'd be stupid not to be. Everyone tiptoes around you and Yoongi when y'all are pissed. You don't get that choice with her. She tells you immediately what the fuck you did wrong and can and will hold a grudge until it's resolved." You say with a sigh, "The problem is that she snapped at him because of me. So I'm worried." You say, looking at S/N.

"I think it'll be okay." She says with a tight smile.

"You can't lie worth a damn, S/N." You say, "If it was Hobi she snapped at and over you, you know damn well that you would be outside with her getting an earful. Hobi would be given the cold shoulder until she was ready to talk about it, only to have her blow up again."

"And right now she's by herself." You say, continuing with a sigh, "I understand why. I do. He was starting to get mad about something I haven't talked to him about yet, and she nipped it in the bud before he could even get started. I know that she'll let it go, but only for the sake of me. Yoongi needs to walk on eggshells around her for a while, because now she's going to be watching him like a hawk."

You shake your head, "There's nothing that can be done and no one can really help. That's why we told y'all in the beginning, don't piss her off. Don't give her any reason to doubt, because he just gave her a reason towards me."

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