Chapter 8

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You're standing in the door, completely frozen in the spot. You are quite literally staring down Min Yoongi, not even realizing it. Your heart starts beating faster, and you have half the mind to turn around and run out the door, except when you turn around, you find out that BF/N already has.

You turn back around to your best friends sister already standing from the couch and making her way to you, "I'm going to go after her. I want you to say here and talk to them. You know she's going to beat herself up about this later. You being here will make her feel better about this."

You nod but don't say anything, "Y/N, breathe. They won't bite. Actually.. hey, Hobi, come here!" she yells.

You hear the footsteps coming closer and your heart beats faster, "Hey, Y/N. I'm Hobi. Are you okay?" he asks.

You shake your head slowly, "Is this real?" you ask, not looking at anyone other than the wall behind them.

Both of them chuckle a bit, "Yeah, this is real. Do you need a second?" Hobi asks, concern is laced in his voice.

You nod and look at your best friends sister, who has become a sister to you as well, over the years, "Make sure that she's okay. I'm going to kick her ass later." you say, causing both of them to laugh.

"Is it okay if I stand here with you until you're comfortable?" he asks you.

You don't even hesitate, "Yeah, that's fine. I just wasn't ready for all of you."

He nods in understanding as your other sister leaves out the front door, running when she gets out to the sidewalk, "Hey, can I have someone come over here as well, help you feel a bit better?"

You nod, "Can you have Yoongi come over here?" you ask. You don't even know what causes you to say that, you just do. All you know is that your anxiety is rising and normally you just listen to his songs to calm down, but you think about how awkward it may be for the man to hear his song playing but not know why.

He smiles and nods, "Yoongi!" is all he says and the man is walking over to you. Your heart beats faster and your hands feel cold and wet.

When he gets to the two of you, he's not looking at Hobi. He's looking at you. All of a sudden it feels like you can't breathe, but you take a deep breath and open your mouth, "Hey. I'm Y/N. Hobi here had you come over here so I don't feel so weird. S/N went to get BF/N when she ran off."

He just continues to stare at you, "Okay?" Hobi asks, nudging Yoongi's arm to get his attention, that way he can answer your question.

That seems to wake Yoongi up from whatever he was thinking, because he blinks and responds, "What? Yeah, that's fine. I'm Yoongi."

"I know." you say with a small smile on your face.

"Give me a second to breathe and we can go in there." you say.

The guys both nod and take a couple steps away so you can focus on your breathing to calm down and not be so anxious. You use the breathing exercises your best friend taught you from when she went to therapy, and you feel slightly better when you start.

After a couple minutes, you move towards them and nod, "Okay, I'm ready."

They both nod in response and all of you walk back over to the living room, "Sorry about BF/N. Her anxiety gets bad when she is thrown off and her fight or flight kicks in. I'm Y/N."

There's a group of hellos from all of them at the same time, causing you to smile and remember all of the videos of them doing this during interviews.

"You all really act the same no matter where you are, huh?" you ask, moving to sit near the couch, but choosing the floor and facing them.

You can feel the confusion from all of them, "What I mean is, all of your interviews or Bangtan Bombs or hell, even Run BTS episodes.. you all have this tendency to talk over each other at the same time, with Joon over there looking like he's an annoyed dad."

They all understand after your clarification, causing them to laugh, "Yeah, I guess we do, do that. Don't we?" Jimin says.

"Oh, there's no point in denying it. ARMY knows." you say with a smirk.

The look they all give you is a mix of proudness, happiness, and something you can't really describe in words. You don't even know how to explain it, but they looked at you like they understood so much more than you could.

"How are all of you doing? I know I haven't seen any of you post on social media in a while." you say, changing the subject.

There's another mix of answers. You're hearing "I'm doing okay," "Eh, I'm tired," "I'm great!" and "I'm good right now." but you can't really tell which answer is from who. You think you heard a "I'm nervous." but you couldn't really tell.

"Then why hasn't ARMY gotten to hear from any of you in a couple weeks?" you ask with a smirk. They all just look at you as you say that, when the front door opens. You jump up immediately from the floor and start walking to the door, only to see your best friends sister. You know you have the look of confusion on your face.

"She's on the porch. Give her a few minutes to get herself together, then you can go outside. She said she didn't want them to space themselves to make her less nervous."

You nod and just stand there, by the front door, knowing you look weird, watching as she walks back into the living room. After a couple minutes, you hear footsteps coming towards you. When you turn around, it's none other that Min Yoongi.

"Hey." he says, "Have you been out there yet?"

You shake your head, "I'm trying not to go out there and kill her for leaving me the way she did." you say with a laugh. The nerves are back again, causing you to look away and push your hands together to try and hide the slight shake.

He frowns, "Well, that's not very nice, is it?"

You shake your head, "No, it's not. But she knows how my anxiety is too, and it got worse when she did that. So, I'm a little mad." you say, you head tilted slightly to the left as you answer him, then shrug your shoulders as you tell him that you're mad.

He shakes his head, "Now, I'm going to need for you to be nicer to her. If her anxiety is as bad as her sister says, then it's probably even worse right now since she has a clear head."

You nod in agreement, "Probably. But still."

He comes closer to you, close enough that you can smell his cologne. You feel yourself close your eyes and take a deep breath. He smells like home to you. You can't even try and describe what he smells like, all you know is the feeling you have in your chest.

"I still need you to be nice to her." he says.

You don't even open your eyes, you just nod, "Okay. I'll be nice." you say, opening your eyes and looking at him directly.

You can see that you saying that caused him to lose what little grip he has on himself. You watch his eyes search yours, and you hear him take a deep breath.

He nods, "Good girl."

You swear you have never felt yourself more.. easy, than you did in this moment. He moves away from you, smirks, and turns around to walk back to the living room.

You feel your chest tightening, only to remember that you haven't breathed since he said that. You take a deep breath and start choking on the air. You hear laughing in the living room with a concerned Hobi, "You okay in there?"

"Yep!" you yell back, trying to catch your breath.

After a minute, you can finally breathe properly. Muttering curses under your breath, you move to open the door.


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