Chapter 32 🔞

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The night continues with laughter, and lots of it. You've all finished your food, and your soreness is starting to come back. You've taken one of the ibuprofen tablets and now your waiting on it to kick in.

The pain itself isn't bad, but you're realizing you're furrowing your brows together a lot more often when you move. You try to hide it, but you see Tae flick his eyes over to you every so often. You could feel his concern and worry for you, but you didn't have it in you to reassure him.

After an hour of the ibuprofen not working, you stand up, with the assistance of Tae, and you walk into the kitchen. You get the bottle of norco and check the directions, seeing that you can take one now and then take another one in 4 hours, if needed.

You take the tablet dry, not worrying about a drink until after you feel it stuck in your throat slightly. You cough slightly as you get a sprite from the top shelf of your fridge, because you really don't want to bend down to get a water bottle right now.

You open it and take a sip, sighing as you feel the tablet finally slide down your throat. You take another sip, just to be sure. After a minute or so of trying to ignore the pain, you turn around.

You watch as Tae walks in the kitchen, concern in his face. You smile softly at him as you take another drink.

"Y/N.. are you in pain?" He asks when he's closer to you.

You nod, "Yeah. The ibuprofen didn't work, so I just took a norco."

"Are you supposed to take those so close together?" He asks, worry now evident in his voice.

"Probably not." You say as you shake your head, "But it's already bad enough. It's getting worse the more I move."

"BF/N!" He yells as he wraps his arm around you. You're great full, because it's starting to get to where you'll need his help to walk again.

You see her run in the kitchen with your sister behind her. They're both concerned and worried, "What's wrong?" Your best friend says.

"I'm laying her down. Her pain is worse. She said the ibuprofen didn't work so she just took a norco." He says, briefly looking at them as he helps you take a step, "I know she said that you all can share the bed, but you've seen the bruise. I don't think it's a good idea to have 3 people in the same bed when she's like this." He says, looking at them again.

"We already decided that we're not sleeping in there the rest of the week." You sister says, causing you to look up from looking at your feet.

"Wait, we're will y'all be sleeping?" You ask, flinching from Tae accidentally rubbing the outside of the bruise.

He's quick to apologize, but you shake him off, "It's okay, I know you didn't mean to." You say with a tight smile, tears welling in your eyes.

"Y/N, don't worry about that. Just go lay down." Your best friend says, "You're near tears. We'll talk about that tomorrow."

You nod, not able to find the energy to fight her right now, "I need a water bottle." You say, looking at your sister, "Can you get one from the fridge and put it on the nightstand?" You ask your sister, who nods immediately.

They both move around you and Tae as he slowly walks you out of the kitchen and into the living room. You see and feel concerned eyes on you, causing you to give them a small smile, "I need to lay down." You say.

They all nod, and you know they understand. Your sister and best friend are behind you, and your best friend stops in the living room next to Yoongi, "Text me if you need something, okay?" She says.

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