Chapter 6

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"There's no fucking way this is happening." you say to yourself, "There's no chance in hell that that's who I think it is."

You numbly unlock your phone and FaceTime your best friend. At first she didn't answer, so you called back not even a second later, at that point she answers.

"Hey, sorry about that. I got busy.." she stops and finally looks at her screen, "Y/N, are you okay? What's wrong."

"I need your full attention because right now I don't know what to think or if I'm overreacting." you say, eyes looking directly to your best friend of 6 years.

She nods, "Okay. Just take a second and tell me what's going on. I won't interrupt unless I absolutely have to."

You take a breath, trying to calm your nerves, "S/N called me. She called me to tell me some really good news. She's seeing.. someone. She kept worrying about if I was going to be mad at her, and I promised her I wouldn't be and to be honest I'm not mad. I'm in shock, I think. I told her to put herself first and pretend she was bragging to someone she hated to try and make them feel bad. She said this person made her happy and helped keep her safe. She said that he treats her like a princess and is the "embodiment of sunshine.""

You take another breath and look back at your best friend, "BF/N, she said I already knew who he was. And before I could ask anything else, she showed him to me. BF/N. I swear to GOD the man behind that mask.. I would know that face anywhere. You showed him to me. You showed me the best band the Gods could ever bring us. You know who he is too. But I don't want to overthink this, BF/N."

You look away sightly, focusing on Gypsy at the end of the couch, "She's with Hobi, BF/N. I swear to GOD that was Hobi. Jung Hoseok. J-Hope." you look back at the screen, where your best friend is in the same amount of shock, "There's no fucking way this is real life." The look on your best friends face.. you're sure it mirrored yours.

You both sit in silence, trying to get the information to sink in, "I don't want to overthink this. But I'm freaking the fuck out. There's no way, NO FUCKING WAY, that she's dating THE J-HOPE. The world wouldn't be that coincidental. But I swear to God, there is only one man with that face."

"Call her. Add her to the call. We need to make sure she knows we aren't mad at her." your best friend says, really urgently at that. Looks like it's hard for her to believe it, too.

"I'm not mad at her. I'm happy, if this is legit. My sister is happy? Amazing. Hobi being happy? Even better. But, I'm adding her now, don't say anything at first, okay?"

She nods and you add your sister to the call. When she picks up, she looks extremely anxious and worried, "S/N, I'm not mad. I'm in shock and  don't know if my brain is playing tricks on me. I don't want to assume things if I'm just crazy. BF/N is the one who suggested it first."

"Hey, S/N." your best friend says, "Just breathe. Neither one of us are mad. Just thinking she's crazy, that's all."

Your sister looks at the phone and laughs, the anxiety still showing through her eyes, "Y/N, I know you. You know who this is. Just like BF/N does.

You look at her, "I think I do, but S/N, I don't want to get my hopes up that you get the best person in the world, the person I look to when my anxiety gets too bad. I don't want to get my hopes up that my baby sister and someone that I will never stop looking up to are fucking happy together." You say, tears brimming in your eyes.

You see him move into the frame, where he slowly removes the mask from previous. Sure enough.. it's fucking Hobi. You immediately start laughing, your best friend following suit, "Thank fucking GOD!" you yell out.

You hear him laugh and you swear, you could pinch yourself, "This is fucking real life." you say, "My little sister gets the best person in the world that matches her, and my idol for happiness gets to have someone who matches him so perfectly."

Your sister starts laughing, and you can see the look of relief, "Welcome to the crazy, Hobi. Good luck, because now you're stuck with us. You're not going anywhere, like ever again."

Your sister snickers and Hobi chuckles, "Wouldn't dream of leaving." he says.


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