Chapter 58 🔞

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You walk out of your best friends bedroom after talking to both Tae and Kook. You can't stand the thought of them not understanding just how serious her feelings are, of them not seeing just how much trust she has in them. You sit in the couch, lost in your thoughts of her and her happiness.

You think of your feelings for Yoongi, and you know that you're in love with him. You can't lie to yourself anymore, not with him. Jimin is confusing you, and you know that you need to know him more before you can even think about anything else. But then you think back to the night with your attack, how weird you felt.

You think about how Jimin was able to pull you out of it better than Yoongi, which surprises you the most. You'd think that Yoongi would have done better since he has his own anxiety. But yours is different from his, and hell you probably had a different attack than what he's seen or felt.

You think about the concern and worry in his eyes when he watched you. You think about him helping you voice your thoughts so Yoongi could understand. And then you think about how he was watching you when you zoned out at the bonfire. You start wondering how often he's actually watching, how much he's payed attention when you've tried to hide it from Yoongi.

You see both Jimin and Yoongi walk in the living room, causing you to try and get out of your thoughts. You see concern in both of their faces, causing you to shake your head.

"There's nothing wrong." You say, not looking at them, "Just thinking."

"About what?" Yoongi asks.

You sigh, "It started with BF/N with Tae and Kook. The reason we had to leave the house and stand outside for almost two hours."

"Can you explain?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how much you'd understand about it." You say, "Yoongi I know would get it, but when it comes to stuff like that, I'm not sure what all you know."

"Jagiya, he knows as much as me." Yoongi says, causing you to nod as you watch them sit in front of you.

"Well, I guess I should preface this by saying that since her ex did what she did, she hasn't been the same." You say, looking at Jimin, "More than just physically or mentally. It's been different and it's been hard for her intimately, too."

He nods, "I'd expect it to, honestly. With how fucked over she got, I'd be surprised if she didn't."

"She took off her own collar." Yoongi says, looking over at Jimin.

You nod as you watch his eyes widen in shock, "Yeah." You said, "I take it you know how fucked up you have to be to do that."

He nods again, no words leaving his mouth as worry takes over him, "How is she able to be with anyone else?" He asks.

"I honestly have no idea." You answer with a sigh, "But tonight.. the reason why we left the inside of the house is because she got to a point she never thought she'd be able to again." You say.

"Meaning.." Yoongi says.

"Meaning her body stopped fighting her when she wanted to switch." You answer, looking at him directly.

"Wait." He says, causing you to nod.

"She wanted to switch, and her body didn't fight with her. She didn't have to convince herself to. And it was with both of them, not just Tae." You answer.

"Does this mean that JK is a switch, too?" Jimin asks, causing you to shrug your shoulders.

"No idea on that one, but I have a feeling that he is." You answer, thinking about what you told both of them.

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