Chapter 46 🔞

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Kook sits up in the bed, almost immediately. You reach for him, hand cupping his face again, "Can I touch you the way I touch Tae?" You ask, needing complete consent.

He looks up at you, "Yes." He says, eyes meeting yours.

"I need you to tell me if it's too much, or if I need to stop." You say, "It may get a bit more intense than what you're used to doing when you're alone."

He nods, "If I say orange, will you stop?" He asks, causing you to smile.

"If that's what you'd like to say to get my attention, then yes, you can say orange." You answer, smile on your face.

"Will you give me kisses like you give TaeTae?" He asks.

You look at Tae, where he's nodding with a smile, "If that what you want, then yes. I'll give you kisses, too." You answer, facing him.

You see relief in his face, causing you to drop your hand, "Do you want to get comfortable?" You ask him, and he nods immediately.

"Do you want to wear something of Tae's?" You ask him, where he nods again.

You move over, letting him off the bed. You see Tae stand up to get something out of his suitcase, while Kook slides off the bed.

You see Tae hand him the clothing as he tells him where the bathroom is. When Kook shuts the door, Tae walks over to you, kissing you roughly.

You moan softly into the kiss, eyes full of shock when he breaks it, "What was that for?" You ask.

"For taking care of my little brother." He says, smile on his face, "Namjoon would have found it a little weird with it being Kook, and I think he's too afraid of Yoongi."

You frown, "Why would Joon find it weird?" You ask.

"Because he sees him as a little brother as well. We can take control if it's someone we don't look at as family. But it's different with someone you look at as family." He says, causing you to nod. You didn't want to have to kick someone's ass.

Kook walks in, completely shirtless and with some pajama shorts on. You see his tattoos more, causing you to salivate in your mouth. You can't even focus on his chest or his abs, just his tattoos. He looks over at the two of you, and you see the nervousness in his eyes again.

Tae moves to sit on the chair, and you walk over to Kook, kissing his forehead softly to help reassure him. When you look at him again, you see that his ears have turned pink again, and fuck if it's not the cutest thing.

You pull him behind you, walking over to the bed. You're starting to get warm, and you fight the urge to take the robe off. You don't want to scare him away.

"Sit down for me, okay?" You say to him, where he complies immediately, "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Tae, the first time that he let go of the control." You say.

He nods, meeting your eyes, "Number one. Don't be shy. Let me hear you, let me know that I'm making you feel good." You say, seeing the blush on his ears turning darker as it runs down his neck.

He nods again, causing you to shake your head, "Words." You say. You fight the urge to call him the pet name you have stuck in your head. You know that he's going to be softer than Tae, you feel like he doesn't like pain like the two of you do.

"Okay." He says softly. It's not how you'd like him to talk, but you understand the nervousness, so you let it slide.

"Number two, you pick the name." You say, and you watch the confusion in his face, "But I'm going to warn you, don't do what Tae did and call me ma'am. Because trust me, I already have a punishment in mind for you if you do." You say.

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