Chapter 39

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Your best friend just went to take a nap with Taehyung, and for some reason you're grateful. You wanted some more alone time with Yoongi, but it was kind of hard to do. S/N and Hobi have disappeared again, causing you to snicker to yourself.

You got to thinking, though. How could you get the time you craved with this man, in a house full of people. Sure, you could kick people out of a room if needed, but that made you feel rude. Especially considering that this wasn't even your house.

You think about your apartment, and it gives you the urge to want to steal him and just take him to your place. But then you remember the almost-shrine you have for Yoongi specifically, causing you to cringe at yourself.

But it did get you to thinking. There are cabins up in the mountains, where you can stay for days at a time. You pull up the website to look at it. You first look at the things you can do there, and it has listed things like rock climbing and zip lining. You didn't really care enough to look at the rest.

You then decided to look at the cabins themselves. There's a few of them with multiple rooms in one big ass cabin itself, but honestly there's no difference between that and being here. You frown but keep looking.

You find that they have these mini cabins, similar to studios, but a woodsy style instead of modern apartments. They have a few of them near each other, but about 15 feet of space between them. They also have doubles, where there would be two separate rooms in one cabin, and each room would have two beds.

You start smiling to yourself, especially when you realize that they have 3 mini cabins and a double cabin available. And it was cheaper than the main cabin out together.

You add the rooms to your cart, immediately renting them for 3 days. You grin the second you get the confirmation email, now overly excited. You decide to text everyone and see if they're still awake, and the only one to answer was Yoongi. You could hear something going on through the wall, knowing that Tae and BF/N were up to something.

You shake your head, but you're not mad at her. You're glad she's finally in a position where she will let herself get laid. You see Yoongi walk down the hallway, looking at you in question.

"What's up?" He asks.

You smile at him, "So. I may have done a thing. To get everyone out of here for a few days." You say as he sits down next to you.

He wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in, "Yeah? What's that?" He asks.

You pull your phone out and show him the confirmation email, where it shows the 3 mini cabins, as well as the double cabin. You see his eyebrow raise, seemingly curious.

"This place is cramped up, there's not enough rooms for everyone, not enough space. Don't exactly want y'all having flashbacks of before debut." You say, soft smile on your face.

"Well, I'm definitely okay with this. When do we go?" He asks.

"Whoever everyone wakes up, or gets done doing what they're doing." You answer, trying not to grin.

He looks over at you, and he looked like he was about to question you.. until you hear your best friend being loud.

You both start laughing, "Okay," he starts, "Everyone back there is still awake, they just sent me to find out what was up." He says.

You giggle, "Well I guess tell the others to pack for a few days." You respond.

"Jungkook will want to know about the outside shit." He says, turning more to face you.

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