Chapter 48

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When you wake, Tae isn't next to you. You frown, not likening the uneasiness in your gut, "Tae?" You call out.

You hear no response, letting you know that he's not in the cabin. You sigh as you get out of the bed, still feeling the nervousness in your gut. You go through your suitcase, grabbing a bra, your shorts, and a spaghetti strap tank top. You put everything on, then tie your hair into a ponytail.

You put on your tennis shoes, and walk out the door, looking for anyone. You don't even know what time it is, but the only person you spot is your sister.

She's sitting at the bonfire from the night before, but she's alone. You walk over to her, and you see her smile when she realizes that you're awake.

"Good morning." She says as you sit down.

You give her a tight smile, "Morning." You say.

You immediately see the concern in her face, especially when her face drops, "What's wrong?" She asks.

"A lot." You say softly, "Where is everyone?" You ask. You don't want to talk if they're all nearby. But the uneasiness is getting worse. You're starting to get a bad feeling.

"They went zip lining a couple hours ago." She says, "Kook came and woke everyone up, but Tae told him to let you sleep."

You nod, but somehow the feeling gets worse, "Why'd you stay behind?" You ask.

"Didn't want you to wake up alone with no idea on where everyone is. BF/N wanted to stay too, but I told her to go on. Yoongi was actually excited to go, and you don't see that often." She answers.

You nod, all too knowing about how it is when Yoongi is actually interested in something. You can't pass the opportunity.

"Thank you for staying." You say, finally meeting her eyes.

"Okay, what's wrong?" She asks, facing you instead of the dead wood, "I don't like this look on your face."

You give her a tight smile, "A couple things. But I'm mainly worried right now." You say.

"About?" She probes.

"I have another bad feeling." You answer, and immediately her face pales. You nod, "It started when I woke up alone. It's only getting worse."

"Let me get ahold of them." She says, pulling her phone out. You shake your head, "I don't think they're going to get hurt, sissy."

"Then why?" She asks.

You take a deep breath, "Because of me." You answer, looking away. You turn to face the wood that's no longer burning, wishing it was so you could throw your heart into it.

"If I tell you this, I understand if you tell Hobi. I can't ask you to keep this away from him." You start, turning your head to look at her, "But I have to ask you both, to keep this to yourselves. I don't want anyone to worry." You say, turning your head back forward.

"You mean Tae." She says, causing you to nod.

"I don't want him to know, and I don't want BF/N to know. But only because I know she will tell Yoongi, and Yoongi will tell him." You say.

You see her nod from the corner of your eye, causing you to close your eyes and face down for a second. When you look back up, you already feel the tears in the corners of your eyes.

"I'm getting too close, S/N." You start, "And I'm scared."

"What do you mean?"

"The things I'm feeling.. I haven't felt in a long time. And I know that he wouldn't do what she did, but I can't get close to him. Not like this."

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