Chapter 39: Kill the Headmaster

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"Ugh, my head," I say as I get up, barely acknowledging the attempts to contain me and pull off my severely burnt shirt. "Oath."

"Yo," Oath greets me wearing my old outfit from the beacon days. "Those days were less than a year ago."

'Yeah, no use, he's in narrator mode," Incursio sighs.

I leave my room to find everyone plus this green-eyed kid that fills me with rage.

"Who's idea was it to tie me up?" I asked the room who were all either shocked or scared to see me. Well, except for Ruby who comes up to me and hugs me.

"Yang's," she kisses my cheek and walks off.

"That's not surprising," I sigh and pour myself a bowl of cereal. "You can all stop staring at me. I'm not gonna kill Oscar or Ozpin or whichever one is in control."

"How'd you-?" Jaune begins to ask before Lie places a hand on his shoulder.

"Well, that's good to hear," Nora laughs it off.

"That's the spirit," I smile at her. "So what's the agenda Qrow?"

I look over my shoulder at the grumpy old man glaring at me with his arm in a sling.

"Nothing, since you broke my arm." Ouch, I can feel the resentment even without my Tick.

"I don't imagine you can't look for your friends with a rapidly healing arm," I say with the slightest of smirks. "I give it an hour or two."

"Can't you heal his arm?" Jaune asks.

"Well, yeah, but where's the fun in that?" I laugh. "Where's Pyrrha?"

"With April, Lauren, and Weiss. They're shopping," Lubbock explains.

"Oh, cool," I look to Jaune. "You, me, backyard, roughly thirty minutes," I smirk. "Rematch."

Jaune looks like he's about to shit bricks.

"Swords?" he asks.

"If you wanna," I say as I finish my bowl of cereal.

Roughly thirty minutes later, Narrator.

Y/N and Jaune are in the backyard with their swords at the ready.

"Start!" Ruby enthusiastically starts the bout, being the impromptu referee with Oscar at her side to watch.

They clash, Y/N quickly overpowering Jaune without using any of his usual body-strengthening techniques. Jaune rolls with it, spinning to slash at Y/N with considerable power, the shorter swordsman having to dodge the swing. Jaune continues his onslaught with powerful strike after powerful strike, backing Y/N into a corner where he slips past one of Jaune's swings and quickly blasts him with fire, being blocked by the blonde's shield and being hit across the face with the aforementioned shield.

Y/N rolls with the hit to kick Jaune in the face, the two hitting the ground at the same time.

"Woah," Oscar was impressed.

"I was expecting that finger flick from last time," Jaune says. "But then I remembered you can breathe fire and course-corrected."

"You've gotten better," Y/N compliments.

The two once again rush at each other, clashing swords evenly this time. The duo continue for quite a while before Oscar realizes something.

"Is it just me, or is Jaune holding back?" Oscar asks Ruby who nods.

"Yeah, he does it all the time," Ruby confirms. "But Y/N's also holding back."

Oscar remembers the feral beast he was last night and acknowledges that Jaune still seems stronger than that.

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