Chapter 30: Kill The Return

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I stand on the bullhead to Atlas with a new outfit on.

I stand on the bullhead to Atlas with a new outfit on

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Thank Oum Lubbock had this in one of his old closets. Can't go walking around Atlas looking like Tatsumi the wanted member of Night Raid.

Actually, was I ever found out? Outside of the whole Oz knowing and telling Ironwood, there were never wanted posters of me up.

Eh, I'll deal with that when I land.

Oh, right, you might be a little confused about Oath not talking, right? Well, that's because he's currently on a journey to find himself, so it's just me, myself, and I for the time being. Don't worry, I've got full control over the armor.

"Excuse me," someone taps me on my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I turn around to look at them.

Oh, fuck me, not another one.

"I was just wondering, are you a huntsman?" The pink-haired cat Faunus asks.

Do I just attract Cat Faunus?

"Uhh, kinda. I'm still in training," I answer. "Why do you ask?"

"I thought that it was you," She says to herself. "I'm actually a bit of a fan. I watched your fights in the Vytal Tournament and absolutely loved your fighting style!"

"Oh, wow," No seriously, I'm shocked. "I didn't think I'd get a fan from that."

"But, I heard that you were one of the casualties in The Fall," Shit, she's thinking.

"Oh, I just got lost when they were looking for bodies," I mean, not completely wrong.

"Oh, that makes sense I guess," good, she's off my scent.

"Hey, do you maybe wanna grab a coffee or something when we land?" I ask

"Uhh, not right after we land, but if you wanna do it later we can exchange Scroll info," Y/N you inglorious bastard, you still got it!

"Yeah, I can do that," I give her The Smile.


I'm actively avoiding the police when I get a call from Ruby.

"Hey, Y/N? I need to talk with you. In-person, preferably today if you can," Shit, I didn't tell her I was leaving.

"Yeah, about what exactly?" I look around and see a familiar ginger.

"Just get over here," Oh, fuck me.

Okay, Y/N, change of plans.


It takes over Y/N with a single goal, get back to patch as fast as possible. Sprouting wings to do so.

It takes only an hour for It to fly back to Patch, becoming Y/N as it lands, the Wings disappearing.

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