Chapter 25: Kill The Vytal Tournament Round 2

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Waking up after a win is just the best!

"We barely won that, just so you know," Oath reminds me as we look down on Mine. "Do you ever think you could have more girlfriends? I mean, there are a ton of interested girls."

You know this, but I am an atheist, ironically enough, with weird Christian values because of an Uncle that I swear I had a flashback about. So polyamory, polygamy, and anything of the sort is off the menu.

"Okay, but, what if she wanted to share you? What if she didn't want the other girls to be miserable without you?" Oath asks, projecting himself in front of me.

Then I would... consider it.

Oath smirked. "Okay, we're getting somewhere."

"Hey, Y/N," Seryu calls my name. "You and I are fighting the doubles round."

"Okay," why do I suddenly feel like my life is in danger?


RWBY, JNPR, and SMYL are eating breakfast together when the topic of my Bankai comes up.

"So how did you use 'Cursio's Auxiliary weapon without having the armor on?" Ruby asks.

"Oh, it's simple really, I just increase my strength to the same level as if I was wearing the armor, and 'Cursio lets me," I answer.

"You can do that?" Weiss asks. "Since when?"

"Couple of days ago. I needed a way to enhance my body that wasn't gonna leave me in a wheelchair in my forties, so I strengthened my outsides instead of my insides," I bullshit. I just cover myself in Inergy. It's that simple. "It's like instead of shielding myself with Aura, I use it to actively augment my strength."

"You know you could just tell them the truth, right?" yeah, but can I really trust the people I hurl insults at with every other sentence? "YES!! If even Blake can trust them then you can too, Ya bloody fucking idiot!"

Hey, no one calls me a bloody fucking idiot unless they can beat me in a fistfight.

"You know if I had my body I'd literally squash you. I'm a giant Grimm, remember?" Doesn't count, you're a sword. "Die."

Heh ha, nah.


After once again lying to his friends, Y/N makes his way to the fairgrounds with Mine.

"Our first date and you take me to a glorified Carnival. How romantic," Mine says sarcastically to Y/N.

Y/N rolled his eyes. "Can't really take you out to a nice restaurant on our current schedule, this is the best I could do. Either this or we spend a few hours in that private room I haven't used in a couple of weeks."

"Oh? And what would we do there?" Mine smirks.

"What we do everywhere else. Cuddle and talk," Y/N answers. "What'd you have in mind, Mine?"

"Sex. The kind that leaves both of us immobile for hours afterward," Mine says bluntly.

"Maybe after my fight," Y/N gently pets Mine's head. "Definitely after the tournament is over."

"Wait, really?" Mine lights up.

"Yeah, we won't have anything else to do, so might as well do that as a little breather," Y/N shrugs.

The two then spend the next hour using their enhanced abilities to cheat at the Carnival games.

Now, Y/N is sending Mine back to the dorm with their combined spoils.

"I'll watch your fight when I get back," Mine says to Y/N as they hug.

"Oh, you don't have to come back. Just hang out in the dorm with Tatsu, maybe take a nap, I'll be back before you know it," Y/N smiles.

RWBY X Male Reader but it's an Isekai harem bookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora