Chapter 1: Kill The 16 Year Timeskip

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I wake up, look in the mirror and frown. Today's gonna be shit.

My short brown hair is disheveled and that damn cowlick is back. No matter how many times I cut it or smooth out my hair it always comes back to torment me. My green eyes are dull and lifeless, the dark circles around them having grown thicker even though I sleep six hours every night. My teeth are still perfectly white, as they always have been and there's not a single sign of acne on my perfect face.

"Y/N! Breakfast is ready!" My mother calls from downstairs, somehow sensing that I had gotten up.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I shout before grimacing at the atrocity that is my pajamas.

My mother has fooled herself into thinking that I like knights because I use a sword. I can't bear to tell her the truth because of the look of disappointment she'll have in her eyes if I did.

Down the stairs I pass by several family photos, apparently I have a father. Could've fooled me.

"Good morning, Y/N," My mother kisses the top of my head much to my dismay, and calls me my "new" name. After coming to this world I have learned plenty about it. The main energy source is Dust, a crystal capable of harnessing various elements. I personally haven't used it in any of my weapons, but plenty of my comrades do. Dust can be used in a variety of ways, such as weaving it into clothes, putting it into bullets, and even applying effects to bladed and blunt weapons such as swords and maces.

There's also Aura, something that everyone can unlock but not everyone does. If you get good enough at manipulating it you can even shield yourself from attacks, though that doesn't mean you're impervious to them. If someone does enough damage to your Aura it'll break and you'll be as vulnerable as everyone else. Except me of course, because I got to keep my Tick I found out a curious aspect of Inergy. It absorbs other energies into itself, mixing the two. So if my aura breaks, not only will I be vulnerable, but I'll also be knocked out untill I've gathered half my pool back.

Yeah, it's shitty, I know. But I have become a better combatant because of it. I'm like the hero of some dark-action manga.

Oh yeah, I should explain that too. I am a Huntsman in training who just got accepted into one of the four Huntsman schools in the world, Beacon Academy. I'm a pretty exceptional fighter if I do say so myself. Though some of my friends are truly monsters in the ring.

I finish breakfast and grab my weapon, Incursio, a short sword with a chain-link tassel given to me by my mentor before he died fighting someone he used to fight alongside with.

There's not much special about the sword except for its ability to create armor around me. But that's not very cool, at least, compared to my best friend's weapons.

I put on my jacket and open the door, immediately closing it because the sun is too bright and I haven't seen it for three days.

"Fuck..." I check my pockets for a pair of glasses that I've neglected to wear, causing my eyesight to worsen, but you don't necessarily need to see to fight.

Well, at least I don't.

Walking out the door my eyes are assaulted once again but my eyes adjust, albeit slowly.

I take a deep breath and sigh, I forgot how much I hated having responsibilities.

"Incursio," my voice is dull, dry, and depressing.

My sword disappears from my hand and my body is covered in mostly white armor with a long white cape.

My sword disappears from my hand and my body is covered in mostly white armor with a long white cape

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