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I wake up and brush my teeth, today's gonna be a good day.

My name is Mark, Mark Oath. I'm a high school student. I live alone for the most part. Both my mom and dad work overseas. They send me money for bills and food plus a little extra for leisure stuff so I guess it's not that bad. I live next to a woman and her kid who look nothing alike. I mean she has purple hair and is like 5'2" while the son has grey hair at like 16 and is like 5'9". I mean I can't be the only one who thinks something doesn't add up.

I walk outside and watch the kid fly away on a cloud of grey fire, which is weird because I swear he went missing for a month, but oh well, not like I ever met the kid.

I take a deep breath and sigh, even the air smells like today's gonna be good.

I walk back inside and get dressed, patting my cat on the head before leaving.

Later in the day, I'm sitting by the window in my last class of the day. It's Friday so I have the entire weekend to myself if none of my friends want to make plans.

"Hey, Mark, wanna come over to my place after school? My mom's making lasagna," one of my acquaintances asks, I don't think I remember his name though.

"No, I'm fine, I was gonna go to a movie after school," I lie with a fake smile on my face.

The truth is a lot of people I know only use me for the extra money I have saved up. I usually keep around two hundred dollars on me in case I want to buy something either on the way or back home from school. It got annoying having to pay for all of these leeches so I just started lying.

"What time does the movie start? Maybe I can see if we could go together," the leech asks thoughtfully.

"Oh, I was gonna go right after and catch whatever's playing," I lie while checking the time. "Oh would you look at that, the bell's about to ring." I hurriedly pack up my things and ignore him for the next fifteen seconds before the bell rang and I practically sprinted out the door.

On my walk back home I'm stopped by a classmate of mine, I think we have homeroom together but I'm not sure, maybe I see her in my third hour too, but I'm not sure.

"Hey, do you have a minute?" She smiled at me and I don't know why but I felt compelled to listen. That is until I noticed her eyes, they changed from pink to a dark green and then back, repeating the process on one-second interval for each color. She's using her Tick, a special eye power named after the sound the first person to ever unlock theirs made when activated.

Mine is the ability to tell what someone feels about someone else. Most feel that I'm a gullible dumbass who only has a lot of money. Oh, how wrong they are. But back to the girl. Her Tick probably has something to do with making people do what she wants but for some reason, I've always had a resistance to these types. Ocular as they are called in all the textbooks. They mess with the brain in some way and usually don't have a physical effect.

Mine is also one of those. They usually aren't suited for Hero schools, I also don't have that much Inergy so Heroics were definitely off the table. Oh, I should explain that too huh? At least while I'm not listening to the six at best talk about going on a date or something. Like I would agree to that. Anyway, Inergy is something almost everyone can naturally produce and manipulate. The ones that can't are called "Eyeless" because they don't have an eye power. I was labeled eyeless till I was about twelve because then I had finally managed to build up enough Inergy to activate my Tick for more than a split second. I can still only keep it active for about sixty-one seconds but that's a major improvement in and of itself. Oh yeah, everyone has a different rate at which their pool of Inergy grows. As you could guess mine is pretty shitty.

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