Chapter 36: Kill The Negotiations

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Y/N is meditating when Vernal wakes up to a squirrel inspecting her face.

"AH!!" Vernal screams, which knocks Y/N out of his concentrated state and causes the animals around to run away.

"So close," Y/N says to himself.

"I have no idea why animals would be attracted to you," Vernal says to Y/N as he stands up.

"I have no idea why Raven thinks I would be attracted to you," Y/N shoots back before placing a spider that was crawling on his arm onto a tree. "You need anything to eat? 'Cause while you were out I cooked a special 'steak'."

"Why did you put quotations around steak?" Vernal asks.

"That's a surprise," Y/N winks.

"Is it your tail?" Vernal asks.

"No, 'course not," Y/N lies. "I may be not all there, but I'm not a fan of self-harm."

"Fine, give it here," Vernal sits on a stump.

"Bon appétit," Y/N serves her with a very mischievous smile.

On the wooden plate that Y/N had handed Vernal was very obviously a piece of his tail.

"This is your tail," Vernal says with a deadpan stare.

"No, it's not," Y/N lies.

"No, no, I'm certain. This is a piece of your tail that you cut off and roasted... medium rare," Vernal raises an eyebrow at a smiling Y/N.

"Eat the fucking meat," Y/N orders.

Vernal, against her will, uses a hunting knife to cut a piece of the tail off before taking a bite.

"Huh, it's sweet," Vernal observes. "It's not too tough either. I would've thought with how much power you can swing that thing with it'd be like eating a tire."

"Yes, yes, I taste absolutely delectable," Y/N says. "Savour your meal, we gotta get moving soon."


Vernal is once again walking through the forest as Y/N hovers next to her, doing unnecessary flips and tricks to pass the time.

"Approximately how far out are we?" Y/N asks out of nowhere.

"About another day, why?" Vernal asks after answering.

"Just wondering," Y/N shrugs.

The two continue in silence.

'So...' Incursio begins. 'You two just gonna walk in silence?'

'Yep,' Y/N smirks. 'This is ideal.'

'Yeah, sure, whatever,' Incursio rolls his eye.

Meanwhile, deep inside Y/N's mindscape.

"YES!!!" A mysterious voice shouts from the void. "I FOUND 'IM!!"

What this person found was a glowing child, that when touched began to stir.


"Oh, welp," Y/N suddenly says before MK. II covered him and he continued by foot.

'Fuck is up with you?' Incursio asks Y/N who doesn't say anything and continues walking.

Y/N's silence persisted until the next morning when he emerged from the Armor with glowing purple ticking eyes.

"God I hate kids," He says as his eyes lose their glow and tick.

'What? Who the hell are you?' Incursio asks.

"Y/N. The guy in charge for the past couple of weeks was Oath," Y/N answers as he stretches and what-not. "We switched so I could go find the little bit of the true him left inside of me."

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