Chapter 6: Kill The Jaundice Part 2

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I feel bad for leaving right after she fell asleep.

I got back pretty late, but I don't expect anyone to be awake.

After I take a shower I very quietly try to sneak out of the bathroom.

"Hey there, Y/N," Shit.

"Good..." I check my scroll for the time. "...morning... Mine."

Mine Sakura is currently sitting on my bed as I stand in the doorway of the bathroom with nothing but my pajama bottoms on.

"Where have you been? After lunch, no one saw you, until now," Mine's glare almost scared me.

"That's not true. I saw Professor Zank on my way back from visiting my mum," he was on his way back from supply shopping.

"So you went to visit your mother and just left in the middle of the night?" I might possibly be in deep shit.


"What were you doing at your mother's?" wait, I'm fine. There's no way she'd get mad at me for visiting mum.

"Getting another Sword to train with for the Tournament," she does not believe that.

"I don't believe that," see?

"Well, it's the truth. You can check my locker for the sword if you want proof, but I'm going to sleep. Now get off my bed or move over, I'm not fighting you over this," Mine stared as I lay in my bed next to her and went the fuck to sleep.

Later that morning, not narrated by Y/N.

Y/N wakes up and feels something in front of him.

'I swear to God if there's a woman in my bed I'm going to become a homo,' wait no, that's offensive.

rewind it a bit.

"What...?" Y/N questions as he wakes up to big pink eyes staring into his tired green eyes.

"Good morning?" Mine asks, a smile on her face.

"Why the fuck are you in my bed?" Y/N, although very confused, didn't move away from Mine.

"Well, you said 'get off my bed or move over,' so I moved over," Y/N sighed before getting up.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Y/N wiped the sleep out of his eyes and looked around for his Scroll, picking it up when he found it.

"Morning, Mark," Lubbock greets as he walks out of the bathroom.

"Morning," Y/N greets back before walking into the bathroom.

There's a short silence before Lubbock breaks it.

"So when did you start, you know?" Lubbock asks Mine.

"What?" Mine asks as she sits up on Y/N's bed.

"You stayed up to make sure he got back safely and slept in his bed. You've got a thing for my best friend, right?" Lubbock smirks at Mine.

Mine's face turned bright red.

"W-W-W-WHAT!?!?" Mine yelled in surprise.

Y/N poked his head out of the bathroom door, his hair dripping wet, don't ask.

"What happened?" Y/N asked, his bored eyes looking from Lubbock to Mine.

"Nothing, just asking some questions," Lubbock grinned at Y/N who stared at the two of them.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Y/N closed the bathroom door.

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