Chapter 37: Kill The Explanation

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"Dude," Lubbock looks at me with this weird look. "Four girlfriends? Are you sure they're all fine with it?"

"No clue, also, Vernal and I will never be a thing, so it's only three," I correct him.

"'Only three' he says," Lubbock rolls his eyes. "How do you do it, dude? I'm rich and I get no girls."

No self-awareness.

"No idea. I've been speculating that Tyrants give off pheromones that make girls like us, but 'Cursio says that's not the case," I sigh. "It's tiring, mate..."

"Tiring?! Bro, I'd kill to get as many girls as you!" Lubbo slams his forehead on the table.

"Trust me on this, mate. It's a curse," I warn.

"I can handle a curse as measly as this, bro, just help me out," Lubbo begs.

"Fine," I let out a heavy sigh before activating my Tick. "You are just as attractive as I am."

I order Lubbo's being.

"I don't feel any different," Lubbo feels all over his body.

"Because it's not that I'm attractive, it's that I'm me," I try to tell him before remembering this fool was dating Yang last I checked. "Plus, what happened between you and Yang?"

"Didn't work out. Difference of opinions," Lubbo says vaguely. "What all happened with you and Mine though, both of you were kinda vague with it."

"There's not much to it. She fell out of love with a presumed dead man," I shrug. "Nothing I can do about it."

"So she pursues you for years, but only a few months after your death she's moved on?" Lubbo questions. "I'm pretty sure she's still looking for Sheele's killer so this doesn't add up."

"Eh, I didn't really look into it," I shrug again. "If it's not that deep then it's not that deep, ya know?"

"I still think it's weird," Lubbo grumbles.

"Well, so do I, but we've got bigger fish to fry right now," I admit before displaying a hologram with Oath.

"What's that?" Lubbo is currently looking at my ever-evolving body.

"Me. My evolutions are slowly sticking more and more," I explain. "Like the horns. I can shrink 'em, but they'll always be there. It's getting harder and harder to keep my big green orbs green, every day they get slightly redder. The scales, although useful, keep me from being human."

"What's wrong with not being human? I mean, you can do so much more than most humans and Faunus, yet you wanna be human?" Lubbo misses the point.

"Lubbock, mate, I died human once and I wanna die human again," Oath goes back to the sheath. "Or, at least as human as I can be."

"And how human is that?" Lubbock asks.

"Currently, with tail and all... fifty-four per cent," I check a little human/Grimm percentage counter I keep in the bottom left of the HUD. "Fifty-seven, sorry."

"Well, at least it's positive," Lubbo looks out the window. "Hey, do you think there's a Teigu like Cross Tail out there?"

"Probably," I shrug. "But I don't think you need a Teigu. I mean, you've kept up with me all these years without one."

"I wouldn't say I've "kept up" with you," Lubbo downplays himself. "I've definitely tried though."

"Nah, mate, if I wasn't so special, you would beat me nine times outta ten," I tell Lubbo who just grumbles and drinks his coffee.

"Yeah, if," c'mon dude, don't be like that.

"C'mon dude, don't be like that," he's feeling jealousy mixed with anger.

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