Chapter 19: Kill The Dance Part 2

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The group and I arrive at the ballroom and head inside, while Yang stays outside to greet people.

"See ya later, hot stuff," Yang says to Lubbo earning a smirk from me.

"'Hot stuff,' eh?" I tease.

"Oh, shut up," Lubbo punches my shoulder.

"Hey, Mar, I forgot something in the dorm, so I'll be right back," Mine says before turning around and leaving.

Wait, Mar?

"'Mar,' eh?" Rich Bitch...

"Oh, fuck right off," I punch Lubbo's shoulder.


I'm standing in the rafters when someone covers my eyes from behind.

"Guess who," oh, it's that girl with the Teigu.

"Niya?" I ask.

"Huh, I'm surprised you remembered my name," I turn around and she's wearing a slimming black dress that turns into bright glittery scales at the bottom.

"Oh, wow. You look..." Shit. I started talking without thinking.

"Great? I know. You don't look too bad yourself, Dragon Boy," How does she know about that?

"Wait, how do you know about that?" She then cursed to herself before regaining her composure.

"Oh, well, you know, it's the talk of the school that one of Beacon's students fused with their Teigu, and your eye kinda stands out," She explains herself while sweating slightly.

"Huh, true," I scratch my chin with my, now-clawed, hand.

"Oh, my, you really did fuse with Incursio," I knew it! She's been talking to her Teigu about me!

"Incursio? How'd you know I wielded him?" I ask as my face slowly became more draconic.

"Oh, Ya know, more talk of the Beacon Kid," She's nervous. Good.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Y-yeah!" She yelped as I got closer.

"MARK!!" Fuck. I forgot Mine was coming back.

"Shit," I curse under my breath. "Guess we can talk about this later, eh?"

"Yeah..." she looked sad.

"Mine! So good to see that you're back!" I smile at her. "This is a friend that I made while suit shopping."

Niya waved shyly.

"Mark you no good dragon dick!" Mine had considerably calmed down in just a few seconds.

"Mine, I wasn't flirting with her! Honest!" She did not calm down at all.

"He really wasn't!" Niya tried to back me up.

"Like I would believe that!" Mine stomped up to the rafters and slapped me.

"Ow," I feign hurt. "One, why are you so mad? Two, do you really think that I would flirt with someone from Atlas when I'm here with you?"

"What does my being from Atlas got to do with anything?" Right, she doesn't know.

"A lot, I'll explain later if I have the time," I say quickly. "But Mine, you know I wouldn't have said yes if I wanted to flirt with other girls. I didn't even flirt with other girls before this!"

"You better not be lying, or I'll shoot you through a building," I don't doubt that one bit.

Mine then walks off angrily.

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