Chapter 38: Kill The Reincarnation

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So it's been a couple of days and I'm feeling great... aside from the undeniable fact that I cannot live a normal life anymore because

A. I'm starting to crave raw meat.

B. My cock is weird now. For some fucking reason my dick developed scales. It happened out of nowhere and I can't change it back.

And worst of all C. I always have this feeling of underlying doom that's creeping up on me and I don't know what it is.

God my life fucking blows.

Oh, yeah, and my vocal cords are incapable of talking normally so I have to go back to the American accent.

Not looks at me like I'm a crazy person.

"Yeah, none of that was supposed to happen for at least a few months. You fucked up big time, mate. I really should not have let you choose your own fate," Not sighs. "Not a single one of my creations has strayed off the path of their "destiny" this much, even the infinite Ted's follow a technically linear story. Even when they knew they were going to die." Oh... is that bad? "Not really, just means you'll die a little sooner than anticipated. Also, oh boy did you put yourself in a hole here. Three girlfriends, one of which is unknown to the other two, a suicide mission, and a planned murdering of yourself." when you put it like that it sounds stupid. "Because it is stupid, Y. Very fucking stupid. I'm not even sure Ted would've come up with something like this and he's on the verge of complete mental retardation." ah come on dude. "You know I'm only saying this because you're my favourite, but these are honestly the worst decisions you could have made and that's based on me just guessing. Oh my me, putting your fate in your hands was the worst route."

It can't possibly be that bad.

"Dude, your original plan was to start your harem back at Beacon, get an arm lobbed off at the fall and go into a coma for a month, not be frozen for eight because you're a shitty hybrid. The hybrid stuff would've happened later. You're also the direct reason Sally made the doppelgangers, just to let you know," I feel like you're just saying all this to make me feel bad. "You should feel bad. Your choices suck and you suck." aw man. "At least you were popular at the start. The only reason I'm still writing down your escapades is because you're almost at 20k."

So I'm your cash cow?

"Ha! You wish I was getting paid for your bullshit," Not stood up. "Still love you though. It was nice venting to you, Mar- I mean Y/N, see ya later."


Y/N awakes with a sigh.

"What's wrong, babe?" Weiss asks.

"Nothing... just had a sudden revelation," Y/N sits on the edge of his bed. "I kinda fucked up."

"Aw babe, you haven't messed up... that badly," Weiss attempts to comfort Y/N.

"But I have. There's something I've been neglecting to tell you," Y/N took a deep breath. "Salem made Doppelgangers of me and the assassin Akame, though mine's dead and Akame's is... non-combative..."

"What? Is there one of me?" Weiss asks.

"No clue, possibly, but I think it's only current and former Night Raid members," Y/N says. "Yeah, yeah, can-o-worms."

"I kinda figured with you having Incursio and all," Weiss says before grabbing Y/N's face. "But it's fine. We'll get through this together."

Y/N looks deeply into Weiss's icy-blue eyes and is overcome with the need to make out with her.

"I love you," he pulls her into a hug.

"I love you too," Weiss touched her forehead to Y/N's. "Now go get breakfast, we can tell everyone later."

RWBY X Male Reader but it's an Isekai harem bookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora